This method is Unlike ANYTHING you have ever seen. See my number one tip for getting the gamey taste out of your wild meats, and my better than beef recipe for cooking venison. So check out this video if you plan to have deer meat for dinner!
If you have any tips or tricks you like to use please feel free to share them as well!
Yummy! :heart_eyes: Now that’s how you prep wild game! :+1: I use Seven Sea’s Italian dry dressing packet, mixed with a Dry Red Wine (Bolla Valpolicella) and Veg oil, marinated 2-3 days in the fridge, Char it on the grill, even the kid’s will eat it!!
Venison meatballs in Sugo (spaghetti sauce). Venison ground with pork, Italian bread crumbs, eggs, diced onion, garlic, and Grape Jelly. Grill, bake or pan fry lightly, da meatballs and then I cook them in the sauce all day, my own hearty thick spicy/zesty sugo recipe! (Familia Secret). Over Rigatoni!! Bellissimo!!!
Just in time- a friend “paid” me for a little work on their wellhouse with a gift of some deer-burger :+1: Made spaghetti with it already and it was nearly as good as beef, but your recipes will certainly be better than my cheap store-bought crapola version Mine isn’t ‘gamey’ at all but I’ve had some before which was. That seems to be hit-and-miss; I’ve never found a pattern to it.
If you want to get rid of the game taste: putting the meat in plain milk for a couple of hours before cooking it will do the trick (the milk is thrown away afterwards obviously).
Personally I’m rather fond of the game taste, so I just cook it as it is. Just don’t forget to hang the meat for while to make it tender.
You guys are making me sooooooo hungry, I haven’t had dinner yet!
Man do I love some meat balls. I’ll have to try it with Rigatoni, cant say I’ve had it. The grape jelly is new one one me, but I have used other fruits for a sweeter, even some home canned figs a time or two.
If I’m going to fry it, I soak it in milk for the better part of a day, or overnight if I think about it. If I’m going to grill it, I use a meat tenderizer to beat it, then I soak it either in Dale’s or Italian dressing.
I do my best to address it before cooking time. When processing, I remove virtually all fat, tendons, and sinew.
I also layer the meat with ice for a day or so to help drain some of the blood out. I use a perforated and stacked Rubbermaid tote, I’ve seen others use coolers with the drain open.
Literally just finished rough processing a doe I got this evening. Heading back out in the morning to see if the Mrs can get one or two.
I actually ice the deer in a cooler after it is quartered and let it sit until it is chilled well then drain the water off. Then I use a spray bottle and spray the top of the ice liberally with vinegar ,(((don’t know if it helps get the Gamey taste out , but it does help draw the blood from the meat))) add more ice to keep the meat well covered and spray it with vinegar liberally again.(this is the only 2 times I use the vinegar) I drain the water out at least 3 times a day and add ice as it melts and leave the meat on ice for 3 to 4 days (adding ice as needed of course) by the 3rd day usually the water will run completely clear from the cooler , if not leave it one more day. ( I have left deer on ice this way for up to 7 days and never had it go bad) I then do the same thing VentureOB does , getting all the silver skin and membrane off the outside of the meat but I take and extra step here………
Once the outside of the meat is pretty well free of the silver skin , you can see kind of like lines that run where each muscle sits against the next , (there will be 7 major muscles there on the hind quarters.) I use the end of my knife and separate each of those muscles and there is even more silver skin and membrane between those muscles to be done away with.
Once that is all done you have 7 virtually clean pieces of meat. I use the 2 (sometimes 3) larger muscles and cut them about 3/8 to 1/2 inch thick across the grain of the meat and make some nice little steaks that look a lot like eye of round when done. Tenderize a little with the meat hammer as VOB showed and season them and cook the way you like ( I really love the fried version personally) The rest of the hind quarter I use to grind for whatever purpose I want at that time (Pan sausage , Links or Burger) The shoulders are deboned and all the silver skin and mess done away with and the meat goes for the grind.
The back strap cleaned the same way and of course does not need much explaining ,because it is ALWAYS made into little steaks and fried. (at least at my house)
Remember also this is a very dry meat so if you are making sausage or burger with it , you need at least 15% or so ( I use about 20% to 25% in mine) beef or pork fat , ground in with it for the meat to even stay together when cooked.
Makes me hungry Thanks for sharing. Moms recipe everytime Dad or one my Uncles brought home a buck. Rosemary sprigs while frying or Bayleaf in a roast.
Cook venison hard and fast. Cut thin steaks, sear like 2 min on each side. Best results on cast iron. Comes out juicy and tender. Otherwise it just dries out and tastes gamey
We’ve had good luck with using wild meat in slightly spicier dishes like enchiladas. We do about 10 per casserole dish and will add a little extra taco mix (medium heat at least) to the mixture when we brown the meat. The best I’ve had was a beef stew with venison of course. The long cooking time in the crock pot and a little extra black pepper really make it hard to resist.
We have three deer on ice now, including the Mrs’s first deer. Now for the tedious process of cleaning all the fat & crud away… Wouldn’t have it any other way though!