How to stop the Imgur app from using data on my phone

I just removed it to stop it using data, it has used 1Gb in the past three days and doing so almost depleted my mobile data allowance (I’m not usually on Wifi), not in the background (I switched that off) but in the foreground. I messed around with a couple of images but nothing more than 10Mb of data was uploaded.

Anyone knows what is going on, and how to avoid it? If it can’t be avoided, after flickr started asking big money so I had to stop using it, now imgur makes using pictures on BLF impossible. What’s next?

I had the same problem and ditched the app. Now I use imgur from chrome or chromium.
no more apps for me. my router stats spiked after I installed the app, I believe their “social stream” (everything’s gotta be social these days) requires that data, you can see other pictures, rate them and so on.

Switch to Lineage OS or some similar ROM? It gives you control over application permissions.

I’m mostly happy with Android, it is Imgur that spoils it at the moment.

I think abload has an app, but I haven't used it.

Do you want to switch from Imgur to something better?

You can use NetGuard or Noroot Firewall to completely block an app from using mobile data.

I want Imgur to use mobile data when I upload an image so that is no option.

Usually you can tap on the app icon then tap on the settings bar for the app and search something that says only to update and use on wifi never on mobile data. Some apps don't have that and many do have it, you just have to see on each app.

I made a phone pic, and uploaded it via the desktop Imgur site on my phone browser, extracted the link and here it is:

It is not getting any easier but it works.

I’m not sure if I want to change hosting site again :weary:

You can also try in Android

Settings>Apps>tap on imgur>Mobile Data> ..then uncheck "Allow background data useage"

Disable the firewall, upload your image, then enable the firewall again?

already did that, the 1 Gb is happening in the “foreground”, which is a peculiar naming for something that you do not even notice :expressionless:

What phone and Android version do you have? Mine has a built-in firewall that lets me allow or disallow data usage for WiFI and/or mobile data for each app.

+1 for NetGuard

Easy to use, you can disable mobile data and allow wifi only for any Android installed app

The phone is a Sony XZ3 compact, the Android version I don’t know because I just left it at work by accident :person_facepalming:

I will look into it :slight_smile:

Plus NetGuard’s author appears to be Dutch :beer:

Thanks for the tip with NetGuard! I've been toying with the idea of using ADP to uninstall Samsung Internet, but I'd rather find a way to block it for now just in case.

Had similar problem, +1 vote for noroot firewall. Easy interface, you can see who is trying to get internet access and you have full control of it. In few clicks you can give and remove internet access permission to any app. Easy to use.