How to store rechargeable li-ion batteries

How do you store your rechargeable li-ion batteries safely? In the refrigerator? In a metal box? I’m starting to accumulate quite a few, over a dozen and would like to know a safe way to store them.

No refrigerator neccsssary!

Just put them in a plastic box where no flames get into and don’t let the contacts make relationship.

They’re not plutonium, Doc!

Lithium batteries are relatively safe, but if you overcharge them or expose to flames or very hot temparature, they may start to catch fire.

A refrigerator is a nice idea. Maybe my rubber strips for model airplanes are too old and I should throw that away and use the space for batteries. I read in some thread that they store best charged to only something like 3.7 V (unplugging my lap top).

Panasonic datasheet says to store at room temperature, 30-50% capacity and charge annually to prevent overdischarge.

Thanks everyone for the ideas. I like the ammo box idea and the small plastic cases. I just don’t want my kids and friends to mess with them, thinking they are just like regular batteries or swipe them and charge them in a conventional charger.

Charge them 40–60 capacity and put in a ziplock bag and store in refrigerator

I stored my batteries same way. here little hot weather (30-34C degrees)

does anyone have data to support putting cells in fridge/freezer for longevity purposes? not being combative, just genuinely curious.

I store mine on the warmest part of the fridge . Door top - shelf. No data sheet but read it from a tester/reviewer on this forum.

There are theoretical reasons to expect batteries to keep better at cooler temperature, the same way food and rubber bands do, as long as it is not below the working temperature range of the cells.

Just a reminder, some protection circuits tend to have a parasitic draw. It’s a good idea to check protected batteries once a month to make sure voltage hasn’t dropped under 3.7v.

A draw of around 5uA. That means it will take more than 6 years to empty a 300mAh battery.

Checking once a month may be a bit excessive.

So youre saying more like a month and a bit?? :smiley:

I store all my spare cells in containers made for storing 12 ga shotshells. I just keep them on a shelf in the closet.

This do for you?
How to Store Batteries

I like the shotgun shell case idea!

The quote below came from here.

“PowerStream Note: Test data confirms that storage of lithium-ion batteries is best if the cell is partially discharged. In one test by Cadex Electronics ( ) after 1 year storage at 25°C the non-recoverable capacity remaining is 96% when stored at 40% initial charge level, but only 80% if stored with 100% initial charge level. This effect is reduced at lower temperature and is a non-issue at 0°C. At higher temperatures the effect is much worse. Cadex’s recommendations are to store below 15° C at 40% of full charge (3.5 volts per cell). Our experience is that with cells stored at room temperature for 3 years that the non-recoverable capacity did not decrease, so this is probably manufacturer dependent.”

After posting the picture of the shot shell box I realized that I needed one more to hold all my cells.

I picked one up at Bass Pro for $8 yesterday.

MTM Case-Gard model S25D

Cool. I live right next to Bass Pro. Pass it every day on my way home from work.

Thanks! There’s a Bass Pro shop near me too!

Looks sort of like this one:

But the s25d looks better! Separate holders.