
Welcome Nemesis!

Nice edc. How are you liking the nano? Looked at one, but ended up going with a Caracal C instead. Darn thing made me sell all my glocks it's so nice...

I choose the Nano over the SW Shield, Ruger LC9, Keltec PF9, etc because it has no external safeties or slide releases. I want a smooth draw from my IWB hoster without the possibility of getting anything snagged on clothing. The slide stays open on the last shot, and to release it you just pull back on it and let go once you insert a new mag.

Like any subcompact 9mm it does kick harder than my Glock 19 or Beretta 92FS but nothing that isn’t manageable. During the breakin period I did encounter a few FTE’s with 115gr ammo. I use heavier 147gr hollowpoints now so no problems.

The Caracal C is comparable in size to my Glock, which I consider alittle too big for concealed carry. It is an interesting pistol, though I’m not sure I can get used to the weird sights. And I’ve had my Gen 2 Glock for over 20 years and never had any FTEs or FTFs so I would never sell it. :bigsmile:

Welcome ! 8)

Hey, Don's back!

and welcome!