Hi there,
So my host is a gray market DX D-mini. I had performed a similar mod years ago with the original d-mini. That’s way when I saw this for sale last year I picked it up for a host (even though I swore off modding.)
So I added some fujiik to the inside of the pill and DIY thermal epoxied a copper coin to the top (hammered & filed 1st.) Having a bit of trouble with the plastic LED retaining ring -> it dawned on my that I now (unlike my 1st d mini mod) have a starter 7 x 14 lathe. Thus I just turned down the lip of the pill and the ring popped right off (I only got the lathe 2-3 weeks before my stroke. Thus I only have a few hours on it and don’t know how to thread or anything. I hadn’t touched the lathe in 2+ years.)
Anyhow, I am now facing the bonded coin to give it a nice flat surface (not 100% done yet.) This will be a super slow mod as I have yet to even get and emitter for it. I’m now leaning towards an XPG2. I had considered a Nichia 219 but decided to go another way. I generally like 4000k-5000k but this is all I can affordable find. It would be great if any BLF members would be able to point me to a source I don’t yet know. Thanks!
Most likely my next post in a few months willing show the completed mod. Originally I had not planned to post a WIP.
Be well all,
P.S - A bit of background -> Among other things I now permanently have use of 1 arm + have coordination issues (i.e. had to relearn how to feasibly sign a name. Boy did the banks love that.) That’s why I initially thought no more modding lights and just big fixed lighting fixtures. Small things are hard for me to manage and move accurately (although unlikely there is always the possibility that I may slam the tooling into the chuck)