The Swiss Army knife, and later, Leatherman tool and various multi-tools patterned after it take all the small hand tools they can and cram them in to one pocketable package. Sure, few people would choose one over a quality dedicated tool given the option, but the point of a multi-tool is that it’s readily available and it will get the job done in a pinch.
I’m imagining a device that serves the same function for battery-powered electronics, based around the flashlight in the same way the Leatherman tool is based around pliers. I’m imagining something offered in various sizes (18650, 26650, 2x26650, most likely) combining at least the following:
The smartphone is the Swiss Army knife of portable computing. While I did include a couple computing-related features here, I’m seeing it as more of an outdoor/camping/survival tool. With USB power and the potential to carry a decent amount of storage, this could also serve as a useful accessory to the smartphone.
I agree entirely, when you know what tools you’re going to need, or if you have the ability to carry them all. Multi-tools are for situations where you don’t really expect to need any particular tool, but you want to be prepared.
My Victorinox Swisstool isn’t a very good screwdriver, yet I end up using it for that quite a bit when I didn’t think I’d need a screwdriver. It works a lot better than trying to turn screws with something that isn’t a screwdriver at all.
I am not a fan of mixing mechanical tools with electronics.
My EDC tools need to be rock solid and able to “get banged around” a bit and occaisionally maybe even get wet.
I love my Leatherman Squirt E4 due to its very functional wire strippers
and grippy ( if small) pliers.
I’d much rather have a Squirt “F6” (Flashlight Version) mechanical only
version with specialty tools for torch work.
Possibly build in tailcap removal pliers
( I don’t know the name for these).
Maybe make the phillips screwdriver insulated?
You do realize some steel wool and a 9vdc AA battery and maybe a bit of char cloth (or cotton ball) and you can have a firestarter (or 2x 18650’s in series)