i actually found a "use" forf blinky mode !

thats right… i finally found real USE for blinky mode.

when i deliver? sometimes on the weekend, people order then kind of run and hide, LMAO… me? i order something? i am waiting for it ! other people? i have to beat on the door ten times, blow up their phone 10 times… getting voice mail… go back to the door, back to the phone…

its a royal pain in the @$$.

i have found that if i put my zoomie on DISCO, and at high focused emitter?? sweep it blinking and bright across all the windows?? THAT usually gets someone quick, LMAO… they usually peek out the window thinking its the cops ad wonder whats going on.

i found out by accident, i was “sweeping” the light around on a delivery? and glad i did… the people came down off the hill, from their drinking fire, to see “what the cops were doing at their house”

(people think anyone “sweeping” house numbers and houses is a “cop”)

THAT taught me, to try BLINKY MODE on high focus on the windows… and you kno what? it works.


i accidentally noticed that at some range, reflective house numbers and mailbox numbers reflect back light real bright… and on blinky mode at high focus?? the house numbers are “blinking” much brighter than the rest of the house is…

shrugs it works… some house numbers that sort of “blend in” to the eye, reflect so much brighter than the rest of the wall, its like a flashling house number.

its not that i would “never be wthout” blinky mode now, but… at least it has a use now…

Nice trick of the trade invention.

Strobe seems to be pretty effective at running of coyotes and other predators. Our dogs will chase down anything except coyotes. Ferrel pigs, you name it they chase them off the property. Coyotes they stay on the deck and bark. Strobe makes them (or whatever they are barking at, go away).

I keep a P60 light in my car and have a traffic wand with it. I have found the light fits perfectly in the top of a traffic cone so I can stick it in the top of the cone and set it to flashing as a sort of traffic control device when working under a car parked on the street/in a parking lot.

i used to have to park in front of my shop. people come down the hill 2-lane… and at the bottom of the hill? they should slow down, its TOWN starting and theres obviously a LIGHT right up ahead.

instead? no one can READ the “left turn only lane” that goes off around and behind thee shop… a lot of people PUNCH it, trying to pass straight, and its no longer the pasing lane, that left turned only… they are using the parking spaces as a passing lane.

i got tired of trying to chase down drunks and old people that sheared mirrors off. you ill know NO greater frustration, than seeing a 90 year old lady, escape you in heavy traffic without even trying, lol


i am practical to a fault… i went to the junkyard when i switched vehicles? and found several mirrors at the you-pull-it junk yard FIRST…

the next time someoen came running in to yell “hey! someone hit yoru car! Lets GO!!!” (try to fan out and catch them)

i just YAWNED, walked in the back of the shop… got down the BIG BOX i had hi back there… pulled out a mirror… and walked out and switfhed mirrors, havg collected the mirrors already? i already KNEW how to hange them from the junkyard, lol

everyone laughed, they thought that was crazy.


finally a drunk sideswiped down my piickup and drove me into the pickup in front of me? i replaced a tail light at the you-pull-it for 10 bux, and the plastic SMEARED down the drivers side? eh, its a beater work truck anyways… but, i cearly needed a different strategy.

i bought one of those revolving yellow lights!

everytime i parked out front the shop? i put the revolving yellow dome light on…

worked perfect… a flashlig revolvng light? short-circuits drunks pea brains, and everyone slowed down and stayed in their lane… it was uncanny.

EVERY one complained about the “stupid flashing light”… people opined how i “might need a license to do that” (you dont, not for yellow)…

but you know what? for YEARS, i never lost another mirror, and no one ever hit any car out there when the light was on.


i started turning my yellow light on when i was in deep snow after dark, lol… and regular customers were outside waiting on me everytime it snowed? because they could see the flashligh yellow light a block away blinking their wndows or drapes, lol

bright flashing lights are ANNOYING, but… they have their purpose.

Should i ask how you managed this, most people’s phones don’t spontaneously rebuild themselves after being ‘damaged’ and most people also don’t have 10 phones and i assume your outside their houses so how do you set blasting caps (assuming thats what your using)? :smiley:

And all this time I thought the strobes were only for annoying my brothers cat! Who knew?

I stand behind stop signs on my walk to the Metro in the early AM and flash people who run them. Not the front to blind them but the rear like a stoplight camera. We have lots of speed and stoplight cameras in the DC area so no one questions the existence of a stop sign camera. People slow down and stop in the road wondering what the hell. I don't mind the roller but the people who completely blow by the signs scare me.

I shut down a high school party once with that trick. After getting sick of the noise and noticing quite a few drunk high schoolers walking down the street, I queued up a 2 second audio file of a police siren, rolled down my car windows, flashed the lights, and let er rip. I then drove halfway down the street,shut off all the lights, and watched them scatter.