I am a big loser

I lose my stuff all the time. I just lost my favorite flashlight (again). How do you keep from losing your stuff? I am thinking of velcro for my pockets, a fanny pack, and using carbiners.

first, how did you lost it?

I almost always put my stuff in the same place, wherever their "home" is.

I rarely lose stuff, but I might just be lucky.

I too loose alot of my stuff, then I completely forget I even had what lost, until somehow I find it again, and I think (to myself in my head) I forgot I even had this!.
I do try to place flashlights, tools , keys, wallet back in the same place. But sometimes (more often lately) I screw up and forget were I put them.

Long paracord lanyard and carabiner/clip it to your belt?

As you get older and have seen younger people develop Alzheimer’s - you start taking “losing” things very seriously. You start or increase “getting organized”.

That being said I still find things which I bought years ago and tucked away. I just wasn’t very concerned about them at the time.

One of my favourite memories is helping my brother in law clean a tourist coach. I’m sure he “seeded” the seats, but I found lots of coins when I searched them. Gosh over 60 years ago!

I was at an anime convention with an EDC18, I just swapped my 3000k warm LH351B into it and programmed it. The button kept coming off so I put it in my bag. Big mistake! I put it in a pocket where there was webbing and I think that it fell out of it because it was at the top of where the bag was. I thought I "secured" it but it was not so. I just got it a few days ago :(

I must have opened it and had it slip out as I opened it.

Bort, yes. I think I will just put a loop on all my stuff and loop it to a tether/carabiner when its in a bag. I am going to explore using different bags like a fanny pack instead of a backpack. I may sew velcro into my pockets since stuff falls out of my pockets sometimes. I have lost a few wallets like this, I don't know how. I haven't lost any recently thankfully for whatever reason but I lose so much stuff! Sometimes I think I will find it and then I forget about it, then I see a picture of me with an item and I remember I lost it. :(

Always remember that the best and ultimate organizational tool is the cop’s duty belt. It has everything secured and in order!

Unfortunately the thing most likely to put a cop on disability is a duty belt with its huge weight day after day… Yep above being shot or run over…

Thats a good line to remember. My house is a mess old jim lol I think that contributes to me losing stuff too

Treasure that you can live messy!
There will come a time when you watch the “oldtimers” bite into your friends and acquaintances, and will become tidy because you are frightened of forgetting everything - or anything! Just one thing!
For now treasure messy and just learn how to do a fast location search! And there are those tags for misplaced keys and stuff. So you are not alone in misplacing stuff. Stuff is just stuff! Well until friends and family begin looking at you very intently when you say that you have lost something.
Ah to be younger and carefree!

If it’s really an EDC light, use a holster or a lanyard wit a clip. Or use a small compartment of your backpack. I noticed it has a large zipper which can be opened from two sides. I always make sure both pulls are on the same side. That way I don’t leave one side open after I zipped down the other size.

I was using the clip but the button kept falling off. :(

If I got a ZL I could have avoided this! My S2's driver just died lol so I guess I am going to have more projects soon!

Depends where I’d “lose” it. When I’m out, around the house, etc.

Most times, when I go on autopilot, I “put away” something without registering where I’m putting it.

you are just addressing ‘i dropped it’

i usually lose things because ‘i put them somewhere and forget where’

I used to be a regular convention goer (comic-con then wonder-con, but now I dont go anymore :frowning: ) but I ended up getting a backpack/bag specifically for the conventions with pockets/pouches specifically to fit my needs. A couple large spots for stuff I purchased, freebies and my camera, and several smaller spots for other things that could get lost or are otherwise harder to find in the larger compartments.

Dummy cord with a carabineer.

I don’t think there’s a cut-and-dried answer for this. Organization and routine may help some, but for me it’s more frame of mind. The older I get, the more difficult it becomes to keep things cataloged while going about my daily doings. I’m increasingly “misplacing” items I use, set down, and then walk away from. Last Wednesday night I got home from work after my on call shift and discovered my Malkoff MDC HA was not in the the side slip pocket on my carpenter pants where it has been carried for the last 12 years. After tearing apart my vehicle cab and trying to remember where I used it last, I was sure it was gone for good. As fate would have it the next night, one of my coworkers had a service call at one of the same locations I was at Wednesday night and found it. Phew!!!
Usually I’m pretty methodical with mental checklists before I pack up and leave a work site, but that night it was late, I was tired and wasn’t feeling good…let my guard down.