Purchased an inexpensive multi tool for the car. Got myself some Swiss Army non toxic tool oil. Cool miniature pliers with screwdrivers, knife, and saw blade. Implements hard to open even when tool oil applied. Sawed my finger open opening driver bit. Blood everywhere. Embarrassment, anger, and feelings of being very stupid. Wrapped finger with dozens of bandaids. Blood on wooden floor, kitchen counter and sink. Drove to find redicare closed. Drove faraway and found open redicare with many sick people inside. Returned home. Understanding wife wrapped finger and stopped the bleeding. Cheap tools are dangerous.
You can get a Gerber Suspension for like $20
While I'm sure the Gerber Suspension is very nice, I love my Leatherman multi-tools!
Agreed, I prefer Leatherman too
So what budget multitool were you using?
cheap Chinese multi-tools.
Nothing wrong with them inherently. Still have to use caution when using sharp instruments. Leathermans are nice, Gerbers are nice and quite a few others are nice.
Calm down. You got bit by a tool. This too shall pass. Just don’t buy that particular tool again if that was the problem. Your wound will heal and after that you can find good multi tools of good quality at good prices.
You weren’t trying to be a Mall Ninja were you ?
hopefully this puts a smile on your face and makes your booboo better……
Ganzos are not too bad, the bigger ones. Smaller was not really that great
That sucks about your finger. I’ve done a lot of damage to my hands over the years, including extensive 2nd degree burns. I know how it feels! Anyway, I’ve seen a few of the China budget multitools tried out on YouTube, and it looks like in most cases you receive exactly what you paid for. In this case, not a good thing. One of the vids I watched, the guy bent the whole body of the tool just trying to use the pliers. They cost more for sure, but a Leatherman or Gerber multitool is the way to go.
I think the high prevalence of cheap China tools in our society is a combination of a couple of things. The first is the lack of retail outlets to buy high quality tools. There are very few retail stores that carry high quality tools or cutlery. The second and more prevalent reason is a broader issue than just the tools that people carry, but it impacts that as well. We’ve become a “throw-away” society rather than one the focuses on long term ownership. Instead of investing in a quality pocket tool that will last for years (and maybe even get passed on to a son someday), people buy a cheap tool, use it til it’s dull, then throw it out and buy another (cheap tool). “Manly” skills like sharpening your own tool and keeping it clean and sharp have fallen by the wayside. As I said, this is a topic that goes beyond just tools, but I won’t go into that here.
I bought very expensive and very cheap tools, multi-tools and power tools. Looking back at how they fared, I think it all depends on what purpose they serve.
cheap sockets for low torque car application:
so far they are all ok, no issues at all
cheap impact sockets for (air) impact tools:
1 broke apart after 1 year, rest ok
Gerber clones, fake tools: OK and still working, but typically heavier, less quality and not great craftsmanship
Knives, pocketknives
Ganzos are holding up so far, no issues at all
I have a few Ganzo multi-tools and i rate them better than Gerber at least the Gerbers i have bought.
My partner got me a Swiss army knife from the Switzerland factory and its okay i had the same issues tools getting stuck but i oiled it good so it wont rust. Ill be honest i wasn’t ecstatic with its build quality lol.
True Utility is the brand name. I do own leatherman, Swiss Army, Ganzo brand tools. Buying the True Utility was just supposed to be a cheap thrill of sorts.
Opening mail and packages with my multi tools are 99% of their use. 1% of the time unintended self mutilation unfortunately.
My wife wants everyone to know that the problem with the tool was not that it wasn’t sharp.
Another reason people buy cheap multitools is that if you want a pliers-type multitool, but your country forbids locking knife blades - like the UK - then your options are very limited.
As far as I know, there are no full size Leatherman multitools with non-locking knife blades. My Leatherman Wave stays at home, because it has a locking knife blade. There used to be a non-locking model called the Leatherman Kick (I have it) but it’s been discontinued.
I’ve also just ordered a Ganzo G104 to try, because I’d rather risk having a policeman mistakenly confiscate a £10 G104 than a £50 Leatherman Kick.
I’ve no idea whether the G104 is any good, but Banggood are doing a promotion on it until May 31st for £9.39 (about $12.50) if anyone’s interested:
I do not like the g104, you can see it in my video review against a non brand multitool.
Undoubtedly my very manley injury was a melee of epic proportion against carbon steel and flesh. Sadly it can be reduced to two simple words. These words are “Operator Error”. Ease of use, locking, unlocking, quality design mean nothing when your physical adroitness using hand tools amounts to “Danger Will Robinson” call EMS now.