I am thrilled by this flashlight: Jacob A60 15usd light. Thank you inside!

Well now there you have it. Mr flashlight himself has spoken.

Ok here's the Small Sun C10 at 60yds with manual 1 sec shutter, f/4.5 and ISO 400. Now let's do that with a mouseover comparing it to the Jacob A60. Mouseover for the Jacob A60.

No contest to me. Jacob wins.

And yes these were taken on different nites. But you should be able to get the picture. I know I do.

Judging from how impressive the Small Sun C10 threw for $15 that Jacob A60 is definitely a must have in everyone’s collection!

what store did you get your jacob from? im gonna buy one now

Well what strikes me as odd is the Small Sun C10 at 60 yds has the smaller hotspot. But the brightness goes to the Jacob. I’m guessing by 10,000 lux for I don’t have a light meter. But you can definately tell a noticeable difference. Small differences from what I have noticed typically in the past comparing lights is usually about 5000 lux and can be hard to distinguish at times with the naked eye. Now I’m basing that info off of selbuilt’s lumen chart info.

Here let me help you to the link and all.


Now both mine have a plastic reflector even though the ad says aluminum. But it don’t seem to affect the throw any whatsoever. Like I said if there is a meaner thrower for $15 shipped to your door, I beg anyone to tell me what light that is.

Get this:

Hold it over any xr-e flashlight to make a white laser.

I dont believe it still.

IF you make it both directly driven, or put same driver in them, SMall SUn C10 will I think definitely throw further.

In my case the two were about even on the luxmeter, but my A60 wasn’t driven at full potential (i.e. 2.0-2.2A), I rather kept it at about 1.7A by using a low-grade battery (for thermal reasons), something that ILF probably doesn’t do.

I compared the 2 lights at the 350yd shot at the white barn that I have already shown a picture of with the Jacob A60 here, and the C10 was defeated. I think I deleted the picture. But I can assure you that the C10 will not beat the A60. You can clearly see that at 60yds. But you go ahead and believe what floats your boat.

Just fyi. :slight_smile:

Ill believe it when I compare it myxself :slight_smile:
I already had that flashlight in hands and it didnt impressed me.
Now I have to order new one (because oold one is oalready gone :o ), than Ill test it more carefully

@ledsmoke: its great to know that :slight_smile:

That’s cool with me. Like I said I have 2 Jacob A60’s and I would bet that each would easily out throw the Small Sun C10 I have.

I have both of these lights and the Jacob A60 is the clear winner every time I have compared them. I use to think that there was nothing under $15.00 that could beat the Small Sun C10 until I bought the Jacob A60 and found out how much more useful and brighter it is……. :bigsmile:

thanks, ordered one. cant wait to test it against my tk 70

im just playing, but excited to see what this lil bugger can do

To put it in context though, it all comes down to optic size. If someone were to slap an xr-e with hookups for a lithium inside a cheap plastic spotlight, it would easily murder any of these. I think the easiest way something like that can make it to mass market (therefore <15:money_mouth_face: is a 3xAA direct draw.


aargh, Im little mad on myself because I didnt notic it.

And what do you say about beam diammeter comparison between these two.
Can someone say his approximation, how wide is their beam on 10 meters, and how wide on 100 meters?

At 10m mine is about 0.7m plus a bit of tapered edge.