€ 914,= for a Ti Headlamp? Hope this is an error … Please, GearBest!
LOL, if it is, you might send me a free one for saving your sales, just a suggestion
€ 914,= for a Ti Headlamp? Hope this is an error … Please, GearBest!
LOL, if it is, you might send me a free one for saving your sales, just a suggestion
LOL and I see
Budget Light Forum members, obviously
Are those Zimbabwe $ :money_mouth_face:
On my screen it says Euro’s … €.
If it’s Zimbabwe dollars, it is rather budget
What a ripoff! I would pay more than $800 for it!
Your paying for the Superior Heat Dissipation!!! (Titanium :person_facepalming: )
There’s no price now. Neither is there a word of thanks or a note they shipped my free example
But wait ! There’s a discount !!!
LOL. still no reaction whatsoever from GearBest. Neither on their site not here. Are there two Chinese New Years in quick succesion of each other perhaps?