is this way overly throw-redundant if I already have 15 A60’s, 15 XRE C8’s, and 30 Sipik68 clones ? :cowboy_hat_face:
(I bought the T13 because JohnnyMac commanded me to do it during one of his very recent subliminal hypnotic BLF posts, where he pretty much Svengali’d me into believing that if I didn’t get one I was a real lumetard.)
Enabler and addict roles interchange freely here,believe me I spent a few nights on the frackin couch for some of my careless spending.All jokes aside,I think the zy-t13 is the xml thrower deal of the year.
I suspect there are new tweaks with resistors, potentiometers, chips and drivers, plus other off-the-shelf electronics I can pick up at my local Ralph’s Supermarket no doubt. 8)