I lost one of the rubber stubs under my land line phone…….

Whups, never mind. Please delete.

Sorry about your stub.

You have a land line?!

Oh, it's right here.

Found it, everyone!

hello there op, just saw your sc31 pro review on amazon, hahaha, thats it, just wanted to say that

I was thinking superglue a pencil eraser that’s worn or cut to size. Nevermind, carry on.

I wash my self with a rag on a stick

I bet it’s a lot harder to dial with it wobbling like that.

The toner cartilage in y fax machine was empty when it was given to me years ago, so it can't print. I only use my fax machine to send the occasional document anyway. Don't care about confirmation pages.

I use the paper drawer as handy storage for my carbon paper.


Nah, it’s sitting atop my telex.

In case anyone was wondering…