So, a few weeks ago, don kidik joined, I’m a new member myself, but got a few cheap lights and a small supply of cells.
Anyway, dons treated himself to an awesome tripple xm-l main brand light (i’ll let Brian fill in the details) and a king, however the main brand light is cell fussy and dons (brians) cells have not yet arrived….
As Brian is quite literally round the corner from me, he bobbed round tonight to a:- see if any of my cells made the light work and b:- have a chat and make friends as wigan lads do.
So, thanks blf, New friend made in my new home town, and cheers don (brian) we’ll have to sort out a proper beer sometime. Nice to meet you and here’s to happy times. :bigsmile:
Scaru, its worrying how small it is, brian knows people I know and a friend of his used to live in our house…. And wigans not a village, we have a swimming pool and everything. And pubs that pre date America….
Aw, you missed it Keith. Group buy on the Apex ST6 ended 8-10, price was $25. It is really a classy, beautiful light and also very bright, if a bit ringy. I am becoming quite attached to Stainless torches. Not the most practical, but oh so blingy! That Fubrother straight tube is now on my list.
I agree br, I’m very taken with the st6 and quite fancy getting the fubrother to complement it. Then I just need that stainless 26650 host to have a full set…. 0:)
It is a great forum though, and its the members who make it.
Morning pal,ladys & gents,sure is a small world.I decide to join a USA based forum,found a member thats local to me[like i can walk in 10mins] and within a week we are shooting the breeze over a coffee in his house my best pal lived in a few years ago .Took a look at the flashlight while at Grahams and its kewl.Im gona get a wish list together and speak with CN quality flashlights soon or once my order arrives i have on the way.FYI Scaru,We have the greatest Rugby league team in the games history,eat more pies per head of population than anywher in Europe,The pier is 20miles from the sea from wher it starts,and you can walk into town from pub to pub on a wet day and not get wet.Used tobe we had more pubs in a square mile than anywher else,but weve sorted that and built a one way road system that columbus would get lost on.