I need a flashlight intervention

More like it will be my death man lol

Are you marrying a guy ?
If so it might work out …

Or you could just vote yes on issue 3


Bravo H)

Hoarding time :smiley: get what you can, while you can, soon you will have to submit a report for every purchase :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it’s a female, least the last time I checked she was :-p

Very true lol

Are you sure? Did you get a DNA test? :evil:

She’s asian, but has big ( . ) ( . ) I’m positive lol

Lol…he’ll realize that before too long. :evil:

I just finished paying off a CC that I ran up by buying lights and batteries. The wife wasn't supportive of my "habit". I have since created a budget and pretty much restricted myself to BLF special edition lights since the pay off. These lights are usually affordable and wont be around very long hence the "need' for them.

With the exception of the groomsmen gift I’ve budgeted about 50 to 75 per month, however if 1 month I only spend 35 the next I can spend 75 and so on, but yes I’ve also limited myself to the BLF lights

Yep, sometimes it takes some time to sink in and sometimes it seems like “it won’t happen to me”, but sooner or later, it always does. Kind of fun to watch it happen to others, especially when you know it’s coming.

It is happening to me, and I’m not even married yet.

Oh whatever lol, I wear the pants in my relationship but I also know when to choose my battles wisely, as does she !

Let me help you with that:



Someone talk me out of buying the maxtoch!

The group buy is closed, but you could probably beg one off of one of the members that signed up for multiple flashlights. Just ask:

Absolutely. And it’s not just your ‘toy budgets’ but everything. “SWMBO” is more than an acronym, it’s a real truth. “Compromise” is a code-word meaning she will get her way. A ‘Marriage License’ is a legal document giving her everything even if it says otherwise. I only wear a suit for occasions such as funerals and weddings, both sad events denoting a great loss to someone I care about. My condolences :wink:
