Hey guys i have been strolling through post looking for a 18650 thrower flashlight! I have come across a few potential lights but all seem to need a lot of mods and are expensive!
I have about $50 USD to spend which is about 80 AUD now i believe i should be able to get a decent thrower for this much?
I have a convoy c8 and i bought the BLF D80 (been waiting almost a month now) but i want some thing that throws further? I was about to buy the eagle eye X6 but the aliexpress seller took them down?
Maybe 500-600m throw?
My Nitecore ea41 does a great job around 350m
So many different post already about this subject but every one has there own favorite thrower…
No brainer to me is the new Convoy L2 with XP-L HI
and FYI, the EE X6 would throw less than your C8. It’s all about reflector size and surface intensity.
This gives you surely the best bang for the buck.
Edit: Meh
Can i change the driver on it? maybe push it to 1400 lumen?
If you use only one cell (like me) and a XP-L Hi on Nocitgon + FET driver - sure
If you plan to do a driver swap, you might want to consider one from the first run @ banggood. They used 17mm drivers, the newest one uses 19-20mm. It’ll be tough to get/keep an XP-L HI at 1400lumens though
so either i leave it alone or go all in? lol
whats the throw on it like?
Better than the M24 Sniper for $60.
Way better.
estimated 1/4 of the size of the New C8 from Convoy
If you can modify and like aspherics, the Brinyte B158 with a dedomed XP-G2 S4 2B and good FET driver makes around 340kcd, and all in costs about $40-50 in parts. It’s my new favorite mid size light.