I Swear, every friggin time I go there.....

vBulletin Message

Gotta grab some stuff off the server.
Shouldn't take long... BRB.

She's trying to delete the DX banner ad!

Don't worry; she'll be right back.

Just went on a Coca-Cola run.

Just wondering where your picture come from as its somewhere in Australia?

Grunta looks somewhat like an old FJ Holden, and that’s definitely a good old Kingswood in the background next to the van, so it was almost certainly taken in Australia somewhere.

Found the picture through Google images.

Here's the website with the Grunta car.

Calder Park Raceway, 1975. Awesome :slight_smile:

very suspicious…

CPF is down more than it is up. It is without question, the worst run website I have ever seen. I also mean poorly run as far as mods and the poor attitude. Since I have found BLF, I have spent less than 20 mins on cpf and that has been like 6 months.

I’m going to write this post, without active intention to offend any specific members. From what I have seen, BLF is far more antagonistic towards CPF than CPF to BLF. Irregardless of how their attitude may upset some members….or their copious moneybags… They hqve been, from what i’ve seen, far more … Respectful? of BLF than our bashing of “that other site”.

Just one of the many reasons I left CPF. CPF is more respectful? NAH! Most of us know better than that. BLF gets little press there simply because they don’t want to acknowledge we exist. If you aren’t willing to spend $400+ on a light (I have spent that much and more, on many lights) and prefer less expensive alternatives, you are a knuckle dragging, low brow. That said, CPF has been a great place to get information in the past but I believe that BLF member numbers are growing (many from CPF) and I see more innovative and informative reviews and posts appearing here all the time. We also don’t have Gretta and her “moderators” snotty, condescending remarks along with their outrageous rules here. I like that. My 2 cents.

Thanks. I spent a lot of at Calder in the early eightys. For those interested a man called Bob Jane built the Thunderdome (as well as having a race track and 1/4 mile strip) to bring the likes of Nascar to Australia. Yep they were the old days.

Asking to not say anything antagonistic towards CPF is like asking the Count of Monte Cristo to not say anything bad about Chateau D’If.

CPF bashing is a sweet indulgence, part of our culture here. Not meant to be offensive, just…well, a simple pleasure.


It’s not like BLFers make captured CPFers walk the plank!

Is it just me, or does anyone else like to type/say “Fers”?

What? A little too sophomoric?



Not really.

If you take the stance that CPF = bad, and BLF = good, then the above behaviours make sense because obviously people would bash bad stuff and not bash good stuff.

BTW, “irregardless” means “regardful” or “regarding” or something like that. :slight_smile: It’s actually not a word. I only noticed it because it’s my friend’s pet peeve.

irregardless = (irrespective + regardless) ÷ 2

it’s a real word. it’s not recognized by dictionaries yet, but it’s only a matter of time before it is.

language is an evolving beast, and if a word or a phrase begins to take root and becomes accepted, then it will become real.

“ain’t” wasn’t a real word either, but it gained enough use and acceptance that it is recognized by some dictionaries now.

my big pet English language peeve is the use of “would of” to mean “would have”. to me, that doesn’t make any sense at all. but it’s used so frequently now that it’s kind of becoming accepted. on top of it all, if Cormac McCarthy, the greatest living English language author, continues to use “would of” instead of “would have”, then who am i to argue.

I totally agree with you. Even as a non-native speaker I cringe whenever I read that. First time I stumbled upon it, I had to read to sentence three times until it made sense.


Definitely agree with this… as long as it doesn’t become offensive. Still have to admit, she does seem to do a lot of ‘maintenance’ which no other forum seems to do???

Not bashing when you’re dealing with facts!
