I Swear, every friggin time I go there.....

link to Wikipedia article on "irregardless". while the word may not be universally recognized yet, it ain't totally invalid like some of y'all may think it is.

the best part of the article IMO:

"In the last twenty-five years, irregardless has become a common entry in dictionaries and usage reference books.

It appears in a wide range of dictionaries including: Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged (1961, repr. 2002), The Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology (1988), The American Heritage Dictionary (Second College Edition, 1991), Microsoft Encarta College Dictionary (2001), and Webster's New World College Dictionary (Fourth Edition, 2004).

The definition in most dictionaries is simply listed as regardless (along with the note nonstandard, or similar). "

i guess i was wrong before when i said that "irregardless" was not listed in dictionaries yet.

You guys are unincorrigible. :expressionless:

On a separate note that is more in keeping with the OP, I just dropped in on CPF, was curious if I might have been banned there for stuff I said here.

Nope, account still works there.

And there are still guys in the Budget Light Forum there who state that Ultrafires should be called Junkfires.
Unreal. No wonder I love to hate them.

I was going to have the engineless Firebird towed out of the front yard, but then I realized that the chickens would have no place to live.

You are right: It's not invalid.

But it's actually a quite old word and according to M-W the usage trend is not going up:

+1 4 cents now!

I vote for lasterday rather than yesterday.

I feel the meaning is much more obvious. :bigsmile:

similar to the German word übermorgen, which also means the day after tomorrow.

English does have Germanic roots as, i guess, does Swedish - Old English, Old High German, and Old Norse were similar supposedly - so overmorrow was probably used in the English language at some point. i don’t think you’d be introducing it so much as bringing it back.

bring it back!

Actually, it’s amazing that a German expression can happen to be so much simpler than its English equivalent.

Teutonic efficiency at its best. :nerd_face:

Okay, I have to admit; a really cool word like "overmorrow" is a great argument for evolving language. Touché for individual taste, class and aesthetic/accurate efficiency . . . all of which . . . overmorrow has.



Not bashing when you’re dealing with facts!


Yapp! Dorp is right!