i want a triple or quad single-cell lumenmonster...

Hey guys!

i want to build a small light (18650 single cell - maybe 26650) that puts out as much lumens as possible but keeping costs down…

where is the sweetspot for “most lumen per $” ?

thanks in advance

i would like also to find a 26650 small host for the noctigon 32mm and a drive capaple to run 4 leds

Vielleicht eine King mit 4* Triple Nichia 219 Platinen?

Ich hab eine, hammergeiles teil.
Zwar keine Single-Cell, aber trotzdem nicht soo viel dicker als eine 26650 Lampe.

And because this is an english forum:
Babelfish German -> French -> English -> Indonesian -> English

Perhaps a king with 4 * 219 suggestions Three Nichia ?
http://www.kaidomain.com/Product/De tails.S022933
I have a party , aroused hammer.
Although there is no single cell , but are still not sure many soo 26650 lights.


OK, now for Sure:
I would go for a convoy with a triple-XP-G2 copper board.

I’m thinking quad XPL direct drive - 26650 would be brighter and last longer, but finding a host you like is tough sometimes.

Maybe one of those:


I got both, good modding hosts.
Still requires some lathe-made parts.

For a small light you might be interested in the S3 with triple XP-Ls. From what I understand you don’t need any lathe made spacers, you’ll only need an extra MCPCB or two as spacers.

nice inputs - thanks!

let´s try to start fro, the bright side…

  • which MCPCB with which LEDs? (3 or 4 / series or parallel)
  • which 4,2V driver to use?

then we search a host for that combo :wink:

An L2P with a Quad works out to around 2000 lumens with XP-G2 emitters.

An X6 with a triple XP-L works out to 3300-4000 lumens.

The Sinner Cypreus EDC 18350 with a triple XP-L is NICE! BLF17DD FET driver in all of these for maximum output.

Subscribed. I’ll be interested in a quad or triple in 26650 form.

Finding a quad MCPCB you like (or even one you dislike) is tough all the time. :~

Who knows of a 26650 that can rival the Sony VT C5 or Efest 35A? Last longer, maybe, brighter…. not that I’m aware of.

True, the VTC5 will probably deliver more current than any 26650.

which driver is needed for a triple XP-L ?

any DD since the LED are parallel ?

first you need to find the host ,small like you said that can take the quad/triple optics and has mass for the heat ,then the driver is easy ,you can have17,20 and 22mm DD driver from mtn and last the copper pcb from noctigon or this

Yes, that is correct.

Keeppower IMR 26650 4200mAh (2014) - Fantastic performance at 3-5A (but also at much higher currents) considering the great runtime.

Efest IMR 26650 3500mAh (2014) - Sick output at 5-15A (if less voltage sag equals more output).

Depending on the light these cells will be better either in terms of runtime, output, or both at the same time compared to a VTC5.

For really high amps (say with multiple emitters in DD), go for the Efest cell. I don`t know which cell is better the first minute. Don`t care. The difference is close to nothing. Unless you swap to a freshly charged cell every minute the best 26650 cells will quickly start to perform better compared to the best 18650 cells. In some cases the difference can be massive.

Darn, i wish i read this post 20 minutes earlier. i just placed an order over at rmm for 3x 26650 cells.
i was looking for the best 26650 cell for my 12x xml2 light.
i went with the icr king kong 4000’s , which i thought were the best.
so these efest 3500’s would have been better for my case?

How much current are you drawing? @10A the Efest cells will maintain around 0.15v+ higher per cell. At 5A it’s more like 0.1v higher. Both are significant numbers, but remember that the KK provides significantly more mAh.

im not exactly sure how much current yet. its in the process of getting built right now. but it will be used for a highly modified trustfire j20…we’re expecting to hit at least 10000 lumens.
so 500 more mah from the KK is pretty significant vs the efest 3500?

not sure if i really care about runtime for this light, i just want the best 26650s available that will give this light the most amps and least voltage sag.

oh, regarding the keepowers, or the 4200s or 5200s more powerful?

you should try putting together a supfire a6 quad.
its a fantastic single 18650 light that will hit 4000 lumens.