I want to sell my...

I want to sell my thrunite catapult v3 either on ebay or here,and I need honest opinions on what I should charge for it.It's in excellent shape and has little marks here and there on the body and bezel,but tiny and no actual wear.I also have the box with extra switch and all the goodies.There are lots of lights now that trump the catapult and I want to be fair in my expectations.What do you guys think?

Put it up on eBay as an auction, start the bidding at 0.99, and post the link here.

However putting it at 0.99 starting price means you’ll either have to accept what you get or put a reserve on. The other way is to start the bidding at the absolute minimum you’ll take for it. At least that way any bid will guarantee you get what you want for it. And anything extra will be a bonus.

When listing it, make sure the auction is due to finish at a time when a lot of people are likely to be surfing eBay.

Nice light. If it was mine, I would keep it :wink:

I give you 0.99$! Don’t bother with ebay! (-;

Wants a new toy i betcha :slight_smile: .
Ebay,fixed price you want for it + offers box,link it to here.Good luck

DON…ps,do it on a free listing weekend.No sell,no pay.

yes, i really do not like items with a reserve and just pass them by. either .99 or your minimum acceptable bid. i usually start them at .99 and list a buy it now price at my min acceptable price


A quick look shows a price range of $110 used up to $150 new from U.S. suppliers. If it were me I would hope for $120 but settle for $100.

Thanks for the input guys,many choices here I may just hold this one under the noses of some flashaholics and see what happens.

Don't hold on to it too long. It seems like the lights are progressively getting brighter and cheaper.

I think it's a good solid light though. Here's what they're running for new on eBay.