I Wanted To Take The Time To Thank Wallbuys For The Super Nice Green Laser

That’s right. I’m personally taking the time here to thank Wallbuys for the nice laser I received in the mail today. As you guys know, I never received my laser from the order I placed at Christmas with them that I got awhile back. Well Cherry took care of me and handled this herself. I really like it. I’ll play with it some more when it gets dark.

But thanks again Wallbuys.


I'll keep an eye out on CNN when it gets dark. Should hit the national news by ten at least. Planes down, roads closed, alien sightings, LOL.

Sounds like they did good at making up for their errors.

I like the box.
How many mW Is It? (the laser)

Yes they did. And I wanted to let you guys know this. Some think all I do is complain when something goes wrong. Well I’m not complaining here. I am very happy. And I wanted to personally thank Wallbuys. I do think they are a very good company. I think they will only get better. Maybe more post like this will motivate them even more to be the great company that they can be.

This is what it said. How accurate that is I don’t have a clue.

Green Laser Pointer 532nm/+/-5nm

532nm Is the wavelength - not the milliwatts / wattage.
I look forward to more pictures.

Their website states 200mw

Ok the manual that came with it says this.

Output power: 100mW, 200m, Class III B

Thanks for the story ILIKEFLASHLIGHTS.
I have been happy with their store too… (Despite the language barriers)

Nice to hear things got sorted out for you…

If It’s a true 100mW (If they’re not false advertising) It’s dangerous, so be careful and use protection for any laser over 5mW.

Thank you.

I thought so, too.

Glad to hear you got the laser, I think we need some beamshots aimed at that barn. ;)

Do you think my camera could pick it up on 18X? LOL!

Glad to here that things got sorted out for ILF. I always tell people that screwing things up is an opportunity to really impress. Things do go wrong, the ability of a company to deal with that is a far greater measure of them than their ability to just process a simple order.

I'm happy to hear things worked out for you as well.

Careful with that laser. You should probably have protective goggles. 100mW is very powerful and could potentially damage your eyes even if not looking directly into the beam.

Sometimes glasses aren’t enough. My old canoeing buddy did a year working on the laser at Rutherford. Part of that work was vaporising 1Kg blocks of rock in a vacuum chamber to make mini supernova. It was certainly in the Tera Watt range back in the mid 90’s.

I like the host. Makes those 2xAAA pointers look like toys…
As if this thing wasn’t a toy :wink:

Edit: a dangerous toy. Stay safe.

+1. Its good to hear a nice story once in awhile. Cheers.

All of these tend to use the same cheap modules inside.

You could be looking at anywhere between 30-180mW.

For indoor use, if you want to use it to light matches/pop baloons, that kind kind of thing, you do need goggles: http://www.survivallaserusa.com/Eagle_Pair__190-540nm___800-2000nm_Laser_Safety_Goggles/p1667092_7862069.aspx

That laser will not be IR filtered.

Otherwise regular safety rules apply... NEVER look into the beam, point at planes, cars, people, animals, etc,. Never look into the aperture. Even if it appears to not be working. Specular reflections (from a mirror for example, although a lot of surfaces tend to be shiny) = BAD.

Check instructions, but 99% the battery will go on + to tailcap. Have fun :D

Thanks for the update.