I got another package in the mail today, from MRsDNF...
I will leave it to Steve to explain...
Of course he just went on holiday, so it might be a few days.
I got another package in the mail today, from MRsDNF...
I will leave it to Steve to explain...
Of course he just went on holiday, so it might be a few days.
Whoa, can he make / machine SS stuff?
I haven't left yet. Do you want me to explain that I did not leave enough room for a momentary switch so machined everything deeper only to find the head fall into two as I had machined through to a cooling fin groove. Or do I explain to you that I did not send you a driver adaptor to suit the hole for the driver. I just noticed looking through the pictures.
OL sent me a TIR for an MTG-2 with the instructions to build a light. I decided not to use a pill in this light so machined the head, switch and driver space from one piece. Well it was one piece until I did the above to it. The proceedings halted there for a few months until I thought of a way to get around it which OL may or may not take a picture.
This may end up with some sort of driver running from a momentary switch with the switch in the tailcap used to lock the batteries out to stop then going flat. Batteries will either be 26650s or 18650s in series.
The rest is up to our friend here to finish.
If I may ask if anyone in the States can do me a favour if they have one of these can they please post it to OL otherwise I'll send one from here next week.
I have ordered both these and the ones I have received are identical.
Good luck OL.
I have This one.
I will gladly post it to OL, just PM a mailing address to me.
Beautiful work by the way!
It's ok, I don't need any of them. I have some. Thank you for the offer, much appreciated.
I had actually forgotten about this light, along with what I am doing on the ZY-T08 build and the contest build? Is that stuff still happening??
Seriously, I did forget about this light, so when it came the other day, I had to soak it in water for a day, before opening it. I had a neighbor's dog check it for explosives, but the derned dawg just lifted it's leg over the package.
Anyhow, I will be assembling the very nice light Steve sent me and then?...... Who knows, I can't remember.
Looks like a nice TIR.
Where’d you get it?
There’s a phone number for that in the avatar … no telling what kind of army will show up, these days.
Beautiful knurling! The type that actually provides good grip.
Wow, just beautiful.
Well, the light is done and as I said, all I did was to assemble it. Steve had everything ready to go, so I didn't have to do anything except put the parts in. I did not make it a super bright light, just a normal Qlite 3.04 amp driver, 3 modes H/M/L with the zener mod for the MT-G2.
Here's a couple photos
As you can see it's a total flooder and would be a great walking light. With 2x26650 Sony VT batteries, it actually hits 3030mA at the tail cap. It's a very unique light, as we have become accustomed to, when Steve makes one.
Thanks Steve for all the work you put in, let alone all the money. I know what all this stuff costs, along with shipping...
That's it folks
wow. that is a nice flooder.
Daggum, big ol’ fistful of light right there…NICE!
Thanks for doing this with me OL. lt is honestly a privilege to be able to do this with someone as esteemed as yourself. I suppose all that is left is to do something with it. Maybe a giveaway?
Beautiful light!
It's a flooder, but my goodness does it flood beautifully! How much do you want for it, lol?