Hi everyone,
i have two Sofirn wrapped 21700 cells. One i got with my IF22A a few months ago (ordered from the official Sofirn shop on AE).
The other cell i got with my LT1S a few weeks ago, this one i ordered directly from Sofirns onlineshop.
Both of them are advertised as 5000mAh which is true, they tested around 4900mAh each. But as you can see in the pictures, they are cleary not the same:
The one on the top is out of the IF22A and the cell on the bottom came with the LT1S. To my understanding, Sofirn’s 5000mAh 21700s cells are re-wrapped Lishen LR2170SD. This fits to the top cell which has the typical Lishen triangle as the plus pole and the ring in the bottom. However i have no idea what the other cell is. The writing on the wrap is a different quality, but it also differs in the sense that one has 5000mAh/50A printed on it and the other has 5000mAh/18Wh. Also the Lishen cell has 3,6 Volt nominal voltage printed while the other one has 3,7 Volt.
The plus pole of the unknown cell looks like a Sofirn “high discharge” cell with 4000mAh, but that does not match the tested capacity. Also it’s missing the Lishen ring on the bottom.
Does anyone know what cell this is?