if a spammer has 213 posts his 1st hour and 5 people hit Mark As Spam on 1 post, do all posts disappear?
I don't think so.
That requires Mr. Admin stepping in - I've already sent him a PM.
i think thats the quickest yet
8 pages and 213 posts.
yeah, me too. I hope the spammer dies the death of a thousand razors.
I would be happy to provide the spammer one size 14 to the groin.
For twelve days straight.
The spam button never seemed like a very effective way to deal with this issue simply because it never has stopped these mass spammers.
Go the their site, register as F-offspammer and order 200K worth of stock.Its worked for me before
what happened???
How does that work? You have to give them credit card info before the order is accepted.
No, didnt even have to register either Just don't check out.