You can see the archived poll results on the Wayback Machine:
"Rips you off in some way" is way to vague to be able to pick an answer imho.
Out of their cold dead hands is my policy! ;) I hate fraud.
On the other hand, I have been a bit too zealous for detecting fraud and demanding a refund. I just had a very strange experience with a Chinese retailer, which I'll write about in another thread.
I put down 2 hours because I'll spend entirely too much time for the amount involved, but at some point I will give up. It also might depend on expectations and the past relationship. I wouldn't cut DX off, but I might never deal with a smaller dealer again (I didn't get a light from ITC, but I eventually got my money back and ordered from them again).
I also try to be somewhat flexible in my definition of "ripped off," like if the ad says it is an XP-E and it turns out to be an XR-E, I don't know that I would care (but I would want at least partial compensation if they sent me a lousy XP-C or XR-C). Or any of the basics like they say it is 600 lumens and it is really 300 or if they say it lasts 90 minutes and it lasts 30 minutes. Those are technically ripoffs, but understood to probably be bogus numbers.
If I buy a $20 light at DX, I'm already saving at least $20 vs. a name brand, so if it takes me $10 to get it up to speed, I still feel like I'm ahead. I did get a credit for my Aurora SH-035 that died within minutes, but I put in a new driver, LED, and tailcap and really like that light now. I feel kind of guilty that I didn't pay for it (except the parts cost me about what the light did originally). never did refund my $10 even though I tried via email about a dozen times or more over the last few months. I just will not shop over there anymore and I will make sure that everyone I know hears about their shady business practices.
Edited: No mention the issue until 1 or 2 days
LOL, 37% would fly to Hong Kong, and commit felony offenses to get their $10 back.
Tough crowd.
BLF = Budget Light Felons ;)
I´ll spend 15min to complain.
Also, if no succes, will warn others and not shop there anymore.
Cold dead hands. Unless it's dinodirect, in which case it was my own damn fault.
Or Tmart
once they rip off enough ppeople they will start a new company name/ site
its not like the local goverment cares if they rip people off from overseas
I'll send off an email or two, and send photos if that is what they want.
I won't waste $40 of my time trying to recoup $10, especially when it comes to chinese web sites. You can't even mail something back to them for 10 bucks. owes me 2x AA too D cell converters of $5 in value and they haven't responded to my one email about not receiving my products. Ive been holding off to make sure the item doesn't come and im gonna send some really nice emails to them.
Its their way of conning SWMBO. They say they are off to obtain justice and really they're just going to buy a bunch of lights while they're there.
Cunning crowd.