If only E-cig mods were flashlights!

These people give rechargeable batteries a very bad reputation

The mods on ft are generally clones of $100+ custom mods.
And I wish the flashlight community would get prettier!

Flashlights are seen as utilitarian and not as fashion accessories. Electronic cigarettes on the other hand are probably seen by many users as fashion accessories as have many of the items involved in the smoking activity in the past. Even 30 years ago I remember seeing a set of 7 Dunhill pipes for sale at a tobacconist on Union Square in San Francisco that cost several thousand dollars for the set. All beautiful flame grain briar pipes. A great example of spending lots of money for something to help kill yourself. A gun is cheaper and quicker!

Remember fancy cigarette holders? FDR used one based on photos I have seen. Also gold and sterling silver cigarette cases, fancy decorated Zippo lighters etc.

Dressier small flashlights are available. I have several in Titanium and stainless steel that have surface machining intended to enhance their appearance as well as improve grip.

I find the above link interesting in that while we used to complain of second hand smoke now we have second hand explosions to worry about as some of those linked to stories have reported injured bystanders.

The battery explosions are due to cheap, crappy batteries, the *fire ones and such. The flashlight community would probably suffer the same public backlash if it was anywhere near as big as the vape communities.

completely false

There are HUNDREDS of studies done on the individual components long before someone ingenious enough to put them together…hell they put propylene glycol in asthma inhalers and pump it thru the air handlers at hospitals to “sanitize the air”

Don’t believe everything the ney sayers are saying about vaping…I can tell you after 8 months or so of NOT smoking I feel great and have no adverse affects (I smoked a pack of Marlboro Reds a day for almost 20 years)…other than getting into high power cree flashlights (the OTHER hobby that uses 18650 batteries with regularity :D)

Here is a writeup I did on vaping…if you are interested…it’s rather lengthy

P.S. Tens of millions of Li Ion batteries are being used in everything today…a handful of vents and people loose their freeking minds (usually due to improper charging practices)…:stuck_out_tongue:

I digress…this is budgetlightforum not E-Cigarette forum (p.s. look me up there too :wink: )

Good writeup! In Finland our authorities keep repeating the matra “there is not enough studies, we don´t know the long term effects” and while the first is false and the second… …well, actually long term effects of inhaling propylene glycol, glycerol and nicotine are well known, media follows and people believes whatever they say w/o critisism. Fortunately, if one is intrested, one can go to interweb! :slight_smile:

People, including politicians who actually makes the decicions, are forgetting the fact that nicotine is not the bad part of cigarettes, the chemical forming in combustion are. If nothing is burning, the residue of combustion is eliminated. My doctor, while officially recommending the traditional NRT-products, was surprisinly happy to hear that i´ve been a non-smoker for about 1 1/2 years, after smoking for somewhat 20 years. Not to mention how happy i am!
Possibly a downside, vaping has become a hobby with DIY-liquids, mech-mods, RBA´s… Nicotine levels has dropped to way sub-10%… …then again, if not vaping, i´d still be smoking.

e. right, sorry folks, this is NOT the right forum of course… 0:)

Would be nice to have some off-the-shelf rainbow flashlights. I like the simple machining of these components:

Anyone gut a mech mod for a light recently? The new arrivals on FT always pique my interest as a body or extension tube.