I'll be out of my office and usually away from an internet connection for most of this upcoming week. So, have a blast, don't mind my absence. :) If anyone writes a review during my absence, please be so kind as to drop me a quick PM with a link to the review so I can frontpage/sticky it when I get back.
Good to be back! All I can say is, "Wow!". This place has been buzzing while I was gone. And that's a good thing. There are just so many new posts and reviews that I don't know where to start.
So, one last call, if anybody has posted a review or anything else exceptional that should be frontpage'd or sticky'd, please send me a quick PM or a link here in this thread.
(okay guys, now that johnny law is back, we gotta clean up. I need volunteers to clean up the gambling tables, the opium den, and someone to take back all the empties. oh, an would someone please go into the flashlight room and turn all the torches off 'SOS'? It doesn't make sense without the music.
Quickly, Quietly, like ninjas.. GO GO GO!)
So sb.. <obviously stalling> how was your trip? anything interesting happen? You'll be glad to know that match hasn't started any large fires while you were gone. ...
It was very nice, thanks for asking. I was expecting to find a smoldering pile of ruins here, but in reality it looks like everything has been humming along nicely. :)
We didn't have any parties or have a food fight and we didn't shave the neighbors cat ...We have no idea how that happened ...we missed you ...we really did... and never want you to go away again ....Foy is mean ... if a bad thing happened i think it was Foy that did it . He told everyone you left him in charge....Fishinfool and I tried to stop him ..I think he wants to be bad .
He tried to take over the whole town .. some one had to stop him ... he was way out of control ... he left us no choice ..Fishinfool took matters into his own hands ....don't mess with the fool on tequillia