I’m a new user, I’m an Italian, passionate about flashlight.
I have a YouYube channel where I publish my reviews, and 2 instagram profiles where I publish my personal photos or photos of my reviews.
I hope to be useful in the forum.
Thanks a lot to everyone.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/videoitaliareview
Blog: https://videoitaliareview.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/videoitaliareview/
Instagram photo: https://www.instagram.com/francesco.traficante/
April 24, 2020, 3:56pm
Welcome to BLF, video_italia_review.
Nice that you are a photographer as well, must be a short way from photography to flashlights.
I hope you have fun here, video_italia_review!
Welcome! I’ll check your stuff out.
Welcome to BLF video_italia_review! Very impressive photos.
April 25, 2020, 5:37am
Hi and welcome v_i_r. There’s one or two others here that are also passionate about flashlights.
Thanks a lot to everyone, you are fantastic. If you visit my instagram, write to me privately so I can follow you too. I `m happy to know you.
April 26, 2020, 2:29pm
italy has the best ladies for sure