I was playing with a nexus 4 with a flashlight app, i figured the output would be like a moonlight mode on a xm-l, but i was shocked, its maybe 25-50 lumens, and better colour rendering then a 65CRI cool white XM-L U2. I can light up a room with it, not very bright but more then adequate if there were a power outage or burned out light bulb
Only thing is i assume there is no heatsinking, since its only meant as a split second flash for the camera, so i would not leave it long for more then a minute or two
Same here
I have Nokia N9, and it also has quite bright warm white LED - I would say somewhere between 3500k - 4000k
The best feature of these phones LED’s is that they have a very wide angle and a nice flood light.
I guess you guys know that this is going to start a discussion about dedicated lights, versus phone lights.
The phone light is extraordinary, really, it is truly magic of the 21st century, but when it comes to a dedicated light it still pays for a hard core guy to carry a flashlight.
darn, what a perversion of the reason i started this thread
true, the 25-50 lumens of the phone pales in comparison to 1000 lumens from an xm-l2, but compared to the many incandescent lights that have dominated the last century of flashlighting, the phone is brighter
You will not burn out the LED from using it as a flashlight. Generally the Driver used has 2 modes. A flash mode (high current) and a constant illumination mode (low current).
Haha, actually looking at their 3535 LED it could well be one of those:
They look remarkably similar (the phosphor surface itself) and I was only going on looks through the front of a TIR optic which slightly distorts it anyway. That would make more sense than using a CREE.