I'm not for using incandecents, just against being told I can't

The lack of transparency regarding the driving motive behind the regulation is misleading.

This is disturbing to me. Why should you have any say in how much electricity I use? That's between me and my energy provider, and it is settled really easily every month in the form of a bill.

And yes, shame on us. Since we are too stupid to make "good" decisions for ourselves, you're completely in the right for forcing us to do whatever you feel is "right".

Why should I care about how much electricity you use? For me, it doesn’t matter. It’s my niece and the future generation who will be the ones who pay for our selfishness. Me, I do my best to assure that I leave the next generation a planet that is at least as nice (and hopefully nicer) as the one my generation was given. YMMV.

Yukon XL, for when a Yukon just isn’t big enough… sigh…

Not everyone shares your ideals. I’m not criticizing your ideals. Just stating that not everyone is interested in how their actions impact subsequent generations.

Judging by the current state of affairs, it would seem that you’re correct.


oh they will, more than you can imagine, but not because we used none efficient bulbs, but because we lost their freedom. lost their rigth to live by their choices. don’t blame bulbs and those that want to deside which ones they should use with no gvmnt telling us so, or how big their truck is, blame those that stood by and allowed it thinking they are doing right thing.
today it is bulbs, what is next???

Do you have any idea how electricity is generated? Are you a climate change denier also?

Yes, I completely deny that the climate changes

What I assume you meant to ask is if I'm against the apocalyptic theory of catastrophic man-made global warming, and if so, that answer is yes. But I actually take it one step further and believe that fossil fuels improve the planet - http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/3099991586001/epstein-we-live-on-the-cleanest-safest-planet-in-history/#sp=show-clips

I love the concept of telling someone to shut up and instead do something about your rights being taken away ....

forget about that free speech right ....

What have future generations ever done for me?

Somehow I just knew that FOX would be in there somewhere. I just knew it. You go ahead and watch fox, I’m off to buy some more CREE stock. God, I love CREE. I really do.

Seems legit. I would definitely believe one of the Koch brothers puppets over mainstream scientists any day. Read any good Ayn Rand lately? :slight_smile:

I'm assuming you haven't ever read her, and by read, I mean understand?

No, I have not read any Ayn Rand. I am not a masochist. I Don’t read big thick books that I know will be boring tripe.

Obviously we are not going to reach common ground here so I’m going to bow out. Have fun stockpiling your old fashioned bulbs guys. 8)

I'm actually not a huge fan of her fiction as I want to get right down to her philosophy. Here's a primer...

'Freedom means I get to do whatever I want and if you don't like it you're free to go live somewhere else!'

I tried to read Atlas Shrugged, several times actually. I could never get past the part right at the very beginning, about the previously-thought-to-be-majestic old oak tree being revealed as having a rotten core, and the author pretty clearly thought that anecdote was proving her point. But if you know things (i.e., you're an 'elitist'), you know that that's just the way big old oak trees grow, it's their natural form of existence. The rotten core helps maintain an internal ecosystem that funnels nutrients down to the base of the tree where it can do the most good. It's the tree's way of living a long healthy life.

Just based on that I was pretty sure the author's other conclusions about how things are and how things should be would be equally flipped upside down and backwards from how things are in real life.

You want all the benefits of a well-ordered society (nice roads, clean water, safe food,etc.) but none of the responsibilities or obligations that are required to make sure those things get done. That's the opposite of what the libertarian ideology claims to be about. You've fooled yourself into thinking up really is down. You're abusing language in exactly the way Orwell warned, while at the same time accusing everybody else of being 'Orwellian', which I'm sure Orwell would have had a thing or two to say about. It would be laughable if it didn't have life and death consequences.


Just re-branded bulbs… rough service bulbs

The bans/control all about the money…follow the money

Do you trust your government…if so…Google “Operation Northwoods”

Plus in this “entitlement mentality” society we have now…I think we need the Bill of No Rights

i should buy some for a fraction of that price and sell them to people who have more money then sense

Freedom does not come without responsibility, nor do uncaring actions come without consequences. We have one planet and there is no where else to go.

No, see, since high levels of carbon dioxide are beneficial, that means we can keep cutting down trees to build parking lots forever because more CO2 will make the remaining plants stronger which will keep everything in balance.

Also, we can go colonize Venus, which must surely be absolutely covered pole to pole in plant life because of all that lovely CO2 in the atmosphere.

Really it makes perfect sense when you think about it: since some CO2 is necessary, then an infinite amount of CO2 should be AWESOME! Burn baby burn! Now where'd I leave that coal shovel...