Or reviews?
This is where I stumbled upon this light and is why I am now searching forums top to bottom looking for more info.
Hope this helps. Cheers.
Here’s a few more links you can read and subscribe to.
There are several threads on the TLF forum if your browser can translate. Might have to copy and paste the link below.
The bottom of the page will show similar threads.
The consensus is Imalent still can’t build reliable drivers.
Also some info on CPF: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?167-Imalent
They haven’t had much good info over there so far, but this is a good thread.
It seems they are reporting a lot of failures as well and being hassled about returns. $60 to ship it back, etc…
I think I’m going to stop researching this brand, because I’m no longer interested in these 4 new models. :confounded:
I almost buy the dt35, they called which it comes with 8k lumens and 1km trow……… I glad not preorder that before the reviews in german forum
It seems like a big part of the flashlight hobby is gambling/chance. Most of the time the lights work, but if it breaks you might have to throw it away due to it being too expensive to repair under warranty or them not selling parts.
Luckily I’ve bought mostly Eagle Eye and Convoy. They will sell replacement parts very cheaply so they are pretty safe.
Serious modders could maybe replace the driver on a broken light with an aftermarket one, but you might lose features.
Ah, it sucks. Maybe Vihns lights from sky lumen are a good bet as he handles his own warranties and is in the USA. It’s covered for 6 months. After that he can fix it for a “reasonable” cost. That sounds pretty decent. IDK.
x2… I completely avoid $$$ lights that are glued together. Replacement part availability is a big bonus too. Reliability is important to me. They just need to work first and foremost. Tint, CRI, PWM, User interface, peak-lux, max-lumens… none of that really matters if I can’t click a switch and have light. Thats why I prefer older lights, that I have used and proven to be reliable. Even if dim or less efficient by todays standards.
These Imalent lights really don’t interest me that much. From the looks if it, their UI and their complexities seems to try and engineer solutions to problems that really don’t exist while opening up QC issues.
Exactly, Imalent also had the touch screen display lights a while back that didn’t work right if the screen got wet. :person_facepalming:
At least their latest generation lights have real switches and only a tiny display. I like that a lot. No other (affordable) light tells you actual voltage. They need to test more before releasing a new design.
Got DT70 yesterday. I find it a mixed bag with more + than negative. My seal was broken on arrival too as another member mentioned. The first thing I tried was simply sticking the flattop imr adapter from my TM28 xhp35 light into the DT70 along with 4x LG HE2 unprotected. It worked but I have to make sure the handle is pretty tight. However, this was the same thing with the included Imalent cells.
I love the tint. Coming off the ddt40 2016, this was a most welcome surprise. It’s more neutral than my K70 SD for sure. I’d guess 5,000k with somewhat rich color interactions. I had no idea about what manner of shabby beam profile to expect but was also surprised that for a cauliflower beam it has a rather clean cut appearance. I was expecting to see asymmetrical patterns with a lot of “fuzziness” and IDK what, but it simply looks nice and clean for what it is.
The UI is simple yet a bit clunky with it’s utilization of two buttons to awkwardly handle the task that one button could to seamlessly. Using my memory to explain here, ok from off click the right button for last memory. Clicking same to cycle 80, 1,000, 8,000 lumens. Long press same for off. Left button from off press hold goes straight to turbo which I measured approx 13,000 ANSI lumens liberally. Holding longer than about three second keeps mode on. Less than that, the light goes back off at release. Double click same button for strobe. Again double click for SOS and beacon.
This light’s beam actually looks fantastic IMO. Thermal properties suck though. This light weighs about 1.5oz less than my X7VN. If I guess right Olight likely has better thermal engineering on that light to stack onto the additional mass. The result is very short, yet also very pleasing runtimes for Turbo with DT70. I’m also glad that it gets hot quick as it indicates a decent thermal path away from the LEDs. Will likely keep the IMR adapter from TM28 in this light and use the Imalent cells in the TM28.
Happy and relieved after hearing a couple horror stories with this light. Let’s hope it lasts.
That’s good to hear papaslightsaber! These lights are awesome in many ways (if they work). Indeed I hope it doesn’t fail on you.
I received my DN70 some days ago and I am very pleased with it. Interface is the same as the DT70. The DN70, for my taste, is really an advance and is the best model in its class.
Papalightsaber, how do you compare the DT70 with the X7vn in terms of output and throw? From specs I think the X7vn is better. Are differences noticeable by the eye or only measurements?
I haven’t really gone out and tested these side by side. I assume the biggest noticeable difference is not in output but rather beam profile. The DT70 reflectors are extremely deep for a pop can size light. They are much more on par with the TM16, TK75, T6, reflectors. The hotspot is much more defined on DT70 than X7VN. I much prefer the UI on X7VN and it does have something in the realm of sustained turbo albeit only a few minutes. DT70 can’t and won’t last that long turbo. Stepdown kicks in approx. 30 seconds.
X7VN is more of a quality, dedicated flood light that just has excellent throw for what it is. The DT70 is a true throw/flood combo light in a pop can package.
In the end the output of the X7VN beats the DT70 and sustains high output better. Also the voltage seems to sustain better in X7VN for longer battery life. Initial observation here as I haven’t done anything like real testing for runtimes.
The X7VN is more reassuring as far as build and better turbo sustainability. The DT70 is a real kick though with all that throw off of 4X XHP70. Two multi XHP70, high output pop can lights that are yet apples and oranges.
The rear camera on my phone broke forcing me to use the lower resolution front camera so I apologize for the terrible images but here’s my DT70 on low and turbo for comparison of how much it lights my yard up at night.
Low (80 Lumens)
Turbo (Claimed 16k Lumens) Again keep in mind that my camera is terrible. This thing turns night into day.
I have no means of measuring actual output but this guy claims he measured 13,500 OTF lumens here: IMALENT DT70 XHP70 16000 LUMENS !!!
I’d say he’s about right. Comparing it to my TM16GT it is excessively brighter however the anodization is of lesser quality than the Nitecore but all things considered it’s a solid little light. This thing puts out serious heat if you hold your hand in front on turbo and the body heats up to the point of discomfort around the head of the light in about 30 seconds, as it rightfully should. For the price I got it at I have no buyers remorse.
My DT70 came today, strangely enough its seal was also broke and handbook missing. Batteries at 3.27v
I wonder if there was errors in the manual and sellers checked all four batteries were discharging equally before sending it out?
Not the first time I read this. A lot of products purchased online are returned for whatever reasons. I would not be surprised if you got a returned product…
Welcome to BLF!
I have the same issue as you KG_Tuning but different product. I recently ordered ThiEye T5E and the box came without its original plastic wrapping while missing one battery pack and the battery pack that came was already installed in the cam with bubble wraps inserted in between the battery terminals… :person_facepalming:
Speaking of T5E, I noticed it gets noticeably warm when using it (around 10 minutes), is this normal?