I only have HS1010 and LX1330 meters which only has mathmatics. Maybe your lux meters are different?
I can’t recall model of my meter now.
If you switch range and it changes decimal point instantly, then it’s most likely pure mathematic. If it takes longer, it might have extra feature.
You can check Perpetual Lumen measuring X70 having better measurement after he changed ranges.
Many Hulk bought MS12 from Gearbest and gave good reviews.
R90c is great… i measured 16,590 lumen… which is not too far from 20000… i am using 4.5 in lumen tube. Its still small tube for the r90c… i am happy with the r90c overall… thanks imalent and md4.
so, i`m in process of testing MS12. and runtime charts are far from what i expected.
it looks like convoy. i unerstand that linear graphic in high modes, but i was astonished to see the same at 1900 (!) lums mode, which is nothing for this flashlight, both for heating and Ampers - it should be perfectly flat. should… but it reality it looks like this slash symbol, but more flat angle “\”
i plan to release review in next 7-10 days, as soon as i make as many pics outdoor as i can