imaplent dt70 and dt35, why no one mention anything here



"_*Here I go again... The driver in the 35 high version MTO9T is not in any way faulty nor is the light broken..*_."


All lights from the group buy have been shipped, I actually asked that Dale ship all of the group buy orders before shipping my own order that was placed a month prior to the light even being announced here.

Also this was a factory sponsored group buy, I do make a single penny from any of the sales from it. I simply accepted when I was asked if I would post a group buy for the new model.

Keeping in mind that I have my own part of Haikelite here in the U.S. that I take care of and that as I said no money made in the MTO9R group buy earned me a profit of any kind at all... Every minute that I have invested into any part of the group buy has been because I wanted to do that . If asked a question I took time away from my own job and made sure to get answers for hundreds of questions, emails, PM's.

I do have a single question though please.

Can you provide me with the thread line and post number where I stated "Just buy one"?