I recently got a maglite 2d or 3d, whatever fits 2x 32650s and now im in need of a charger for these suckers! They are freakin massive and will not fit in my i4. Was debating connecting wires to magnets and then to the i4 but I want a legit charger. All ive been able to find is over priced crap…… $30 for like an ultrafire charger. Is this really the best option out there?
BTW the maglite is far from a maglite now, its been modded by jayrob. Next im getting his phatlight so will need this charger for both hosts
I have this charger and it works fine and is built solid.
Most lights now have, or soon will have, 2 or 3 - 26650s or 32650s.
Do you REALLY want to charge one at a time or 2 and than 1? (It’s a pain)
It also works from 12Volt power.
Bite the bullet now and free up your time for other fun things.
will charge a 32650 and other batts, but remember a 32650 might have 4000mah plus and the charger above will take 8 hours to charge that 4000mah batt. Have a look at hobby chargers, they’ll do any batt with almost any amperage you need to charge with and do multiple batts at the same time but take less time to charge as you can set your own amps to charge with. And if you learn how to setup a balance charge you can do multiple batt’s at the same time and match their internal charge. There’s a few threads here at blf that explain how to do a balance charge also.
Lol, moderator007, posted as i was writing about hobby chargers.
Great, I was just wondering if it was too soon to ask you about it. How long do your 26650s and 32650s (of which brand/capacity) take to fully charge on it, if you’ve been able to?
I charged up four 32650 feilongs, four trustfire flame 26650 four Panasonic pd’s over the weekend, they were all charged from delivery charge 3.6ish volts, i spent an evening doing this, just checking and changing bays as they finished.
it really wasn’t a bind and being three bay, its ideal for many of the multi emitter toilet plungers.
slightly connected, the feilong cells are a tight fit in the trj19, I’m going to bore the tubes for clearance, they only need a mil or so skimming off.
difficult to say, I previously only checked it worked on zt 18650 cells, ir did, but it was sketchy because the cells were just too small for the light, the feilong cells fit well enough to run it, but I don’t think they are super low resistance cells or anything, they do give the light a dammed hefty feeling.
I’ll try and do some testing but I’m trying to keep it out of mrs gords’ way as she’s a bit miffed at the number and size of packages that have arrived recently, I don’t think she’d believe I only paid thirty quid for it lol
I’ve had a TR-008 working regularly for months now, charging speed is great, and 3x26650 charging is SO nice, no more waiting for 2 slower charger loads!
Cheap & AC powered….
Yea, I wouldn’t go near it unless someone like HKJ tested it for safety. Even if its from IO. Maybe they will send one to HKJ tho.
Rather have usb li-ion chargers & get a AC usb power source from a local big name retailer. They have way more to lose & are within reach of local laws and safety regulations. Chinese sites aren’t.
It would make a nice cradle for a hobby charger if gutted or add dual tp4056 usb charger boards inside for a standalone usb charger.
I have used lots of these and quite happy with them. I would not use this on anything bigger than a 18650 though as it will be to slow at charging. They are only rated at 500 mAh.
For $17-30, I’ll pass. :bigsmile:
TP4056 usb charger board. $1 on ebay (ebay search). 850mA charge current each, CC/CV chip. For 32650 you could use dual boards for 1700mA. HKJ tp4056 review.
For low currents (10440, 16340) I prefer the MCP73831 chip. Bit better charge curve. Micro lipo or Lipo nano. Tho the tp4056 board can be modifed for low currents as well.