(M4D M4X)
May 27, 2018, 7:27am
Hello my dear friends!
i was walking some light a few days ago and wanted to give you some impressions…
the location:
https://earth.app.goo.gl/7vrnG Google Earth WEB link (no install)
some dayshots:
upwards to the point where i was shooting
i was thinking that view is meaningful
a look from the opposite direction
the beamshots:
when i entered the quarry
the guys down there for sure wondered what happened that night ;)
the participants:
BLF GT – acebeam K70 – Imalent RT35 – acebeam K60 – Imalent RT70 – utorch UT02 – Lumintop ODF30 – Wuben TO46R – Emisar D1 and D4
control shot with Huawei P20 PRO – ISO500 – 1sec – F1,8
Emisar D4 XPL HI
Emisar D1 XPL HI
Wuben TO46R 3xXPG3
Lumintop ODF30 XHP70.2
Utorch UT02 XHP35 HI
Imalent RT70 XHP70.2
acebeam K60 XHP70
K60 vs RT70
Imalent RT35 XHP35 HI
acebeam K70 XHP35 HI
K70 vs RT35 (note the differet beam! uniform Spot on K70 “dual stage” on RT35)
last, but not least: BLF GT XHP35 HI NW
all together
anybody out there?
i tried some videos as well, please excuse my bad english and the misspellings
please like and follow my videos / channel if you want me to do more of those
(and possibly make better videos)
most of the shown lights can be purchased with great discount – ask me
(M4D M4X)
May 27, 2018, 7:30am
reposted with phone
will check format problems asap
May 27, 2018, 7:49am
That was a lot of work you put into those beam shots, thanks a lot for that. The UT02 looks heavily outmatched in this series.
Great photos, thanks! That Emisar D1 looks awesome for its size! Currently waiting for mine to arrive
May 27, 2018, 12:04pm
Fantastic! Great work Martin.
Now we can all see what each flashlight can do.
Those photos are excellent - If they were taken with the Huawei P20 PRO phone, that’s very impressive.
(M4D M4X)
May 27, 2018, 12:21pm
Yes - I used just the phone in manual mode
a second person would have helped a lot...
Very cool. Gotta love those extreme throwers for the alien pics!
Good job Martin! I wish I lived in Austria, too. There‘s not much to illuminate in flat Northern Germany. I still need to figure out what to use my MF04 for when it arrives…haha.
I wish you have had an MF02 with you, too. I‘d like to know the comparison to the K70 and if it’s maybe worth to invest into the big „A“ instead of the much cheaper MF02.
Awesome beamshots! I hope you did not have to carry all those lights yourself.
Were there NATO and/or Russian jets scrambled that night?
(M4D M4X)
May 27, 2018, 2:12pm
not all flashlights I carried have been shown in the pictures ;)
have you guys tried the Google earth link?
I love to play around with that.
May 27, 2018, 8:29pm
Its always good to take a back up light on a walk but seriously.
Loved the pictures. Thanks for taking the effort to post them up. All round my favourite is the Q8.
(M4D M4X)
May 27, 2018, 8:44pm
i try to find a spot which does cover longer distances as well...
May 28, 2018, 3:51am
Thanks for the videos! After watching this, I think I need to get a 70.2 thrower! Seems very practical!
May 28, 2018, 4:16am
Great post. Havent not watched the videos yet, but will. I am not sure I have a kneed for big thrower, but WOW.
Forgive my spelling and bad english, as I have had beerss
May 28, 2018, 8:19am
Great shots. Thanks Martin.
The Q8 always amaze me for a soda can light!
The GT probably carved a hole in the cliff!
Any alien activity report in the local news?
PS: the Google Earth link does not work with Firefox it seems…
May 28, 2018, 12:27pm
Thanks for the impressive beam shots!