I remember my father telling me that when I was a little kid, AP sent an "indestructible" gearbox to Glasgow University's engineering department.
It did take a bit of effort but attaching it to a gas turbine shaft, spinning it up to 100,000rpm and throwing it into reverse (fortunately using remote control) did the trick.
They dug the remaining shrapnel out of the walls and sent it back to AP with a note saying, "Try again".
In the UK we don't get such toys to play with. But i do have access to things like 400A welders and 2000oC furnaces. Not to mention seriously obnoxious chemical reagents. High molar sodium hydroxide ought to see off anything made of aluminium. Aqua regia is also fun for seeing off indestructible devices.
not at all... besides, I call the shooting with that AK derivate bogus. Any aluminum alloy of that thickness is no match for even a generic 5.45x39 round. Dial in that pesky sight and it is "bye-bye flashlight". Not to mention driving over a flashlight (circular diameter, the strongest form in geometry) with inflated rubber tires.
What does really kill our flashlights? Leaking alkalines, venting lithiums, and generally lack of maintenance. And sometimes bulldozer tracks on concrete. A single drop from 3ft. height may take out soldering connections and ICs if you're unlucky. This kind of testing is unreal, but still entertaining!
But, to be honest, the British "top gear" TV series is much more creative with their (automotive) destruction tests: www.youtube.com/watch?v=No0xDPFoMq8
Maybe it's because of the show's hosts as well. Gotta love that opinionated style of Jeremy Clarkson. I wanna see HIM do a test on flashlights!
No offense, but I did get a good laugh watching the vids. Those are about the silliest tests Ive ever seen. The axe didnt hit the light, it smashed the ice. About any cheapo aluminum light can be thrown on a graveled road and ran over by a truck several times and continue to work. Besides a lead .22 slug, just about any jacketed projectile would punch a clean neat hole through an aluminum flashlight like a hot knife going through butter. My .223 (5.56mm x 45mm NATO) goes through 1/4" plate steel at 100 yards like the punch of a sharp new drill bit chucked up in a drill press... and thats the least powerful center fire cartridge in my collection. If anyone is in doubt, send me any Fenix you've got and I'll riddle it full of more holes than Swiss cheese and post pics of it here. I could also flatten the crap out of any one of their products with a regular steel hammer... as could anyone. They arent made from hardened ballistic aluminum alloy.
Top Gear is the best! They claim to be in the top 10 most watched internationally syndicated TV shows in the world. Hammond demonstrates the proper way to dispose of a disgraceful car.