Infared IR thrower - what's available please

Hi Guys,

I need an IR thrower, I currently have a SF drop-in but ideally I need 3x or more throw. Ideally it would still be relatively small (obviously it needs a bigger reflector than a P60) so C8/A60 sort of size would be ideal.

Thanks for any suggestions

I converted quite a few T20’s to IR bot 850nm and 940nm. They work very well with gen 1,2,3 and digital NV

SolarForce M3
SolarForce IR (P60) drop-in

The M3 is a little pricy .
The SolarForce IR isn’t pushed to the max, but it is an option.
L2T’s square cut fits the M3’s angular design.

Thanks for the input guys, I know the T20 is popular with the hunting guys but I’d much rather a reflectored light. I need illumination for a spotter and the scope so the tiny square aspheric isn’t perfect.

I didn’t realise the M3 was a P60, does the pill screw into a bigger reflector? I have an SF IR drop-in already and a few host inc a L2T so that’s cool. Shame I can’t put it in my MPP1 head….

I do have a couple of Oslons on order but I can’t believe there isn’t a ready made option, it would be a smash hit in the hunting community with the increased nightvision take up.

It seems so. I don’t have a M3 yet.
Solarforce M3 pill switcheroo - it's easy! | Candle Power Flashlight Forum!
Solarforce M3 Announced (XM-L U2) | Candle Power Flashlight Forum

Black oslons. :bigsmile: Do show us what you create with them.

A couple things:

1. When fully focused the T20 beam closely matches the field of view of most scopes.
2. The T20 has an adjustable beam. adjust as narrow or as wide as you need for either spotting or shooting.
3. just about any light that has good modding potential will work well with the oslon IR emitters. c8’s, T13’s, T08’s, P60’s, headlamps of many kinds. Just need to pick one that produces the beam profile you are looking for.

The P60’s are going to be limited to air rifle ranges. The reflectors and lenses are just too small to get enough throw for centerfire ranges.

Kevind43, what I don’t like is the poorer efficientcy using a aspheric and the possible effects that the chromatic aberration has on the light visible to the camera. The P60 is obviously not going to be big enough. Would you know if the Oslon suits the deep style like the 802 reflector or perhaps a less deep, slightly wider like the A60? Dedoming would also be an option but again I’m not sure how the tint shift you get in a visible light dedome would affect the IR spectrum, for example my lense is rated to 890nm, would this even be affected? The oslon I’ve ordered is the 850nm 1a version.

I’m quite happy for any advise with the modding but I was also hoping the Chinese suppliers had seen this gap in the market and offered something suitable.

My experience with IR illuminators is only relative to nightvision equipment, both tube type(gen 1, 2, 3 and digital NV).

what type are you using?

The oslon 4715s will perform very similiar to the cree xpe2 visible emitter in whatever light you put it in.

The HS-802 will have a tiny hotspot and large weak spill. I do not have any experience with the A60. The T13 has a beautiful beam for hunting, large hotspot and large spill and would out throw a p60 about three to one. but not in a c8 size. The C8 has a good beam but would not outhrow the p60 3 to 1.

There are no issues with “aberrations” with the T20 IR and digital nightvision. There are some issues with 850 nm being too bright for close range. That is why I use three mode or variable brightness drivers. Or just use 940nm with digital nightvision which has an effective range out to about 100 yds. The other thing I might add, I am also not concerned with color rendition. We remove the IR filter from the cameras we use in the DIY nightvision rigs and set the cameras for B/W

dedoming would not be necessary. there would not be much, if any, shift in the wavelength. Maybe a slight increase in IR intensity.

Unless you are hunting with a Barrett 50cal the T20 IR will suit 95% of your night shooting needs. I had a guy with one my T20 IR’s and DIY nightvision kill a coyote at 420 yds a few weeks back. Trust me that is exceptional, making a shot like that, even during the day, takes good equipment and above average skill.

Thanks for your input Kevind43, that’s some useful information, I just need to get over my hatred of aspherics perhaps :wink: My use is with a DIY set-up using 1/3 Sony sensors. I want to spot out to 200yrds max, but even 100yrds will be fine, with the spotter I’d like to be able to balance field of view against ultimate range.

Don’t wanna open the new topic, and i would like to build UF-T20 infrared , so i’ll ask here:

- link to the good 850nm led please

  • driver for the led above

Couple options for IR leds. Black oslon or random chinese “1W”, “3W” or “5W” IR LEDs (ebay search).
You can actually drive them with a standard nanjg amc7135 driver.

What do you plan to use it for?

For night vision goggles as a illuminator.
I can’t find any decent price including shipping on Osram…

Yea, I was afraid shipping would just be too expensive for black oslons.

If i use this led: 5W Infrared IR 850NM, what driver would work with single 18650?
It says:
Forward Voltage: DC 1.3-1.5V
Forward Current: 1400mA is suppose to be a good place for info on IR builds. UF-T20 seems to be a common host over there.

A 4* AMC7135 driver should work. The driver will be burning off the extra voltage as heat so it won’t be very efficient with a 1.3-1.5V LED. Needs good heatsinking for the driver. A Step-Down (Buck) driver would be more efficient but I don’t have any suggestions there.

If that Vf spec is accurate I’d say converting a host to 2xAA would be appropriate when combined with a simple, non-MCU based driver such as this one. Plus, many gun folks love to be able to run on primaries ;-). That would vastly reduce the amount of wasted energy being burned off as heat.

Edit: One easy way to achieve this would be to combine a Solarforce L2 with a single short extension will let you fit 2xAA. Add a dropin to that using an [Ahorton lens](Sold/Expired - Ahorton's sales (Lenses, headlamps ...) | Candle Power Flashlight Forum and ahorton’s P60 spacer. This setup should be compatible with rail mounts made to fit 1in lights such as the Surefire 6P.

Thanks, Helios and wight. I have Uniquefire T20, so to reduce cost i’ll focus on that bild. Thanks again

Don’t waste your money on anything but the oslon 4715s.

i’ve been waiting for your replay, Kevin, and now i must say that you are killing a dream with that oslons. Shipping cost are just too hi for my country.