Then I just need to (1) unscrew the top, (2) desolder the red and black wires from the LED-board, (3) get rid of the old driver-board, (4) put in the new driver-board from mtnelectronics, (5) resolder the wires of the new driver-board to the LED-board and be good to go – on both the BLF A6 and the Convoy C8, right?
Hello, and I am mostly a newbie with just 2 DIY builds but all I have used is mtnelectronics parts, and yes, at least conceptually this should work. I’ve not seen either of those flashlights, and sometimes the geometry of soldering those short wires can be a bit challenging, but otherwise good luck!
Yes. It is that easy, but if all you care about is the 100% only group and you’re happy with 2.8 or 3.0 amp of constant power, a more simple and cheaper solution is the 105D/105C/Q-Lite driver with guppydrv or biscotti. For an even more simple and cheaper solution, just get a real one-mode driver. You will lose low voltage protection though, if that is important to you.