Interest list: Q8 MCPCB with XHP50.2@5000K [DTP only available now at LED4Power]

No thread.

We know it’s happening when it’s there :wink: . I talked to Barry about the geometry of the head, so we know there’s something like a design. But that doesn’t mean it will be produced. Please be patient.

However, this thread is not about a Q8 Pro, but about upgrading existing Q8s. I’m quite dissapointed it won’t happen.

Jan 1st. Happy hunting for one of the remaining boards.

:+1: is back online for a clearance sale. Grab a board while stock lasts:

:cry: :cry: :cry:

All Q8 5050 projects (XHP50, XM-L3 and SST-40) must be canceled

Sorry to hear that, Unloco.

So I checked what UPS would charge to ship a small package to Uruguay from CONUS… 140USD

All is not lost… I have resumed the original 5050 project…

Now… it’s time to order at KD.

Someone from the EU should purchase a few more and ship one out to you.

BTW, I like your workaround.

Would you like me to send you one Unloco?

grabbed some so i dont regret it later.

:slight_smile: :+1:

I send you a PM.

So, got some 5000K SST-40 (int’l outdoor) and boards (LED4Power).

I won’t give absolute numbers as my equipment and measurements are substandard, but I have some before-after ratios:

Lumen according to ceiling reflection +31% (seems low, I might not have remembered the correct positioning, dunno - I see it’s much brighter)
Range +11%

Pro SST-40:

  • nice even white light (my Q8 was very greenish)
  • good range
  • inexpensive mod

Pro XHP50.2:

  • much more power

I’m using Samsung 25R batteries, rest of the Q8 is bog-standard.

This mod was more difficult than I thought, but I like the result very much. I had a light with more power than I need, and now I have one with waaaay more power than I need. Big plus.

~6000 (XP-L V6) to ~8000 (SST-40) lumens is a 33% bump, but the #'s depend if you had any mods like spring bypasses, etc. The 11% range, if in meters, isn't bad. If the LED's are comparable, which I think XPL and SST-40's are, then the kcd should scale same as the lumens, but a 30% bump in kcd is a much lower percentage in meters.

Nice mod, and will give you great colour rendition and a useful increase in power. I’m a horsepower fiend and so I’m happy with my “ugly” XHP50.2s in my Q8 but it’s an absolute beast. Probably my favourite light, and not just because of the ridiculous power output. There’s just something about it that seems “right”.

Yes. I first gave the lux ratio, but then edited the number to give the ratio in meters.

I bet you enjoy it! :+1:

Ordered two boards just in case some XHP50.2’s fall in my hands when I get power-happy :smiley: .

You know you want to :smiley:

I had mine custom-made by Sofirn, as reflowing emitters onto MCPCBs is something I’ve never done, and I know I’d probably screw it up!

Believe me - it’s the easiest part of the mod.

Allthough … I did it wrong and had to reverse the polarity. Not for the first time I got this wrong :person_facepalming: .

Sofirn has some stock of the 5000K XHP50.2 at $4.99 each:

I’ve odered two boards from LED4Power, so I’ll populate the 2nd one with the Crees.