Fenix link
I am quite interested to be honest. But searched BG, amazon, batteryjunction, did not find who carries it now.
Fenix link
I am quite interested to be honest. But searched BG, amazon, batteryjunction, did not find who carries it now.
that is a really interesting light
Thanks downlinx. The picture you added is way more informative than mine.
Now THAT is pure white.
And looks very light weight too.
Looks like another brand by the name of………Casper
$100 from fenix-store.com. I’m not interested at that price. Available in middle of Februrary.
Very nice light
So a mtg2 can be ran with a single cell now?
With driver to boost up voltage I guess. I hope the price can drop to $60-70 later sometime then I will seriously consider buying one.
I expect some of our gifted here will boost the current and/or change it over to XPH50 or XPH70 LEDs. And that’s just when the fun begins. As the light is now I’m ordering one, then will wait for the tips on the mods.
You can run one cell with a boost driver, but it's hard to believe the claims.
Boost drivers are usually not all that efficient and besides, the battery has to provide more amps, to cover the boost in voltage. 1000 lumens on an MT-G2 is what, about 1.5 amps @ 6V?, so to run 8 hours it would take a 12 amp cell or more? Am I way off here?
No O-L, it says 1hour 45 minutes.
300 lumen is 8 hours
Thanks for posting this, it’s very interesting stuff!
Does Fenix commonly use “double springs” on one or both ends of their lights? Image 12 in the gallery says that there are double springs in both the head and tailcap. I suppose they are doing this due to the weight of the 26650.
FYI I don’t think that the image you included in the OP works for hotlinking/deeplinking/whatever. It shows up for me now that I’ve been to the Fenix website, but users who have not already been there will not see the image. Try opening this thread in an “incognito” or “private mode” window in your browser to see what I mean.
FWIW boost drivers can be pretty efficient. Take a glance at TaskLED’s HBFlex tech page for example. With a 2A output and doubling the voltage from 7v to 15v it’s 87% efficient.
Based on the lower input voltage I expect that we’ll see at least somewhat lower efficiency with the driver in this light. I do think that at input voltages ~3.0-3.5v boost drivers can be reasonably efficient (not down at 50% for example).
Yes,but not for 18650,26650 is a good choice
With driver to boost up voltage I guess. I hope the price can drop to $60-70 later sometime then I will seriously consider buying one.
code is available since 23.3.2015
I already ordered too many lights recently.
Sunwayman C20c, Nitecore EC21, EC20vn, Olight M2X javelot vn, M20X javelot, M20SX, Armytek predator V2.5 NW, and something I don’t even remember. I am broke for now.
But Martin, every time I plan to buy something, I check up your deals. What you are doing is very helpful to me. Thanks!
I bought this light and it is now my favorite light to carry, but this may not be a ‘budgetlight’ light for this forum. Hopefully in time a light in this format might replace single 18650 lights for small performance lights. I would think the 26650 battery flashlight might be developed further in the future for its performance.
Isen’t that the plan for the BLF V3 X7 light?