I am getting the run-around on a fake hd 2010 that was sent to me eventhough i asked pre-sale if the light was a genuine ultrafire and was told by tmart customer support agent that it was genuine.
i contacted customer support today when i received the light and they are giving me the run-around saying that the light is sold for a few dollars less than the genuine and that i should be ‘understanding’ that it is going to be a fake.
i’m very unhappy with the bait & switch tactic and would like some help.
i have a copy of the conversation but before i post it on here for all to see how i’m getting screwed, i hope that a tmart rep will get in touch with me to make this right.
I’m not sure that there’s any such thing as a genuine UltraFire HD2010. I mean, some particular group of budget flashlight engineers out there were obviously the first to produce the design, but it seems as if they simply “borrowed” the UltraFire branding, considering that the one company out there claiming to be the real UltraFire don’t actually sell such a light. You’d think they would if it was really theirs, given how incredibly popular it is.
But aside from all that, what’s wrong with the UltraFire branded HD2010 from Tmart? I have one, and it’s as much of a HD2010 as anything I’ve seen. They pretty much all are, no matter what brand they carry.
EDIT: They also have a presence at http://www.ultrafire.net, but that site links you to the aforementioned online store for purchases, so it’s essentially the same outfit.
today i received the light, and there are all kinds of problems. first, there is no ultrafire logo, the machining on the light is not straight, there is a drop of some type of sticky glue on the lens, the beam pattern of the light is very poor and it does not look like the beam pattern shown in the thread UPDATE: 5/19!! Review: ULTRAFIRE HD2010 from Tmart (warning: lots of pics!!)
i feel this light is a fake/clone so I contacted customer support today thru the messenger, and spoke with ‘soffen’ who was very unhelpful.
at the bottom, is a copy of the communication with soffen, please read over the conversation and see how there was no rememdy to the problem, and that the solution offered was that ‘gin’ was new, and didn’t know the light was a fake, and that the tmart light is less expensive than a genuine hd2010 so therefore the fake light i received, i should be ‘understanding’.
i am very unhappy with this light, the build quality is very poor, the machining isn’t straight, there is a spot of some type of sticky substance on the light lens, there is no ultrafire name on the light. i feel that if tmart is going to sell a clone/fake of the ultrafire light, then in the decription, it should have a note telling the customer that the light is a clone.
Simply be honest with your customers, and do not try to fool them into thinking they are receiving the genuine product then shipping them a fake.
in this case, i am still unhappy with the fake light that i received. i own other genuine ultrafire lights and the build quality, light beam pattern, etc. is better on the genuine ultrafire lights that i own, compared to the fake hd2010 that i received today.
The point is I asked presale if the light was genuine and was told it was with logo Manafont sells a skyway clone and they tell in the description that it is a skyway king mimic which is being upfront with their customers. Tmart a bait and switch isn’t right.
The op in the hd2010review thread shows a much better beam pattern. His light has the ultrafire logo. Mine has terrible fit and finish compared to other ultrafire lights I have
I would suggest that you decide what it is you really want: a light that works, or a "real" UF light. Since the latter doesn't seem to exist you may get a better response from Tmart by limiting your complaint to what is physcially wrong with your light. It is within their power to compensate you for a defective light, but they can't sell you a genuine UF light if they don't have one.
Don’t bother to look at the brand of a product originated in China. If a product becomes popular, other shops will rush over to make it. The whole supply chain is within easy reach to everybody. It is more often than not the knockoffs get the parts from the same shop as the real ones. These bootleggers will either copy the brand name, or slap on a look-alike one, or simply leave it blank for the distributor to put on whatever they like. I got a “UltraFire V6-T60” today. It is actually a HD 2011.
Whoever printed the name on the light mixed up the 2 products.
The funny thing is that the xxxfire brands are all knockoffs of SureFire. And they have gain reputation of their own.
So, I would rather check the product than looking at the name printed on it. I have the Tmall unbranded grey HD2010. It is one of the best made light around. The manufacturing quality is superb. I cannot care less which brand is printed on it. I am quite happy that it is unbranded. I am seriously considering buying another one soon. The next batch could be from another shop and who knows if they would be in the same quality.
I get what you guys are saying but let’s take this to the most basic of problems with this ordeal. I contacted presale customer service and asked if the light would come with the ultrafire logo and was told it would. The light did not come with logo. Albeit a small problem it is a mistake on their part. They need to offer a remedy. I’m not so much upset over a single problem but more so of the combination of problems that were not even slightly addresses in any caring manner when customer service was contacted. That is no way to treat customers
Sorry to hear about your problem. I understand where you’re coming from. You just want what you decided to pay for.
On a side note… So TMart sells non branded hd2010? That’s actually what I want! I want another gray one that’s non branded. I read somewhere that there is a darker gray one. Does anyone know which site has it?
that is correct, i just want what i thought (and was told by presale service) I was buying.
although a bit off topic, i ordered a trustfire battery charger on eBay a month ago. the particular model of trustfire battery charger was reviewed on here BLF with good ratings.
i chose a seller on eBay with an auction showing over 900+ of the chargers sold, the seller used both the brand name trustfire and the particular model number in both the title and auction description. at the time i ordered the charger, i felt very confident in the purchase.
however when i received the charger, at first glance it looked like the real thing, but holding it in hand, it just felt ‘cheap’. i did some searching on the net, and found high resolution pictures of the actual trustfire charger. i compared those pictures to the ebay charger and could immediately tell what i received was a clone of the actual trustfire charger.
as a buyer, how can i know if the clone is actually as good as the genuine trustfire charger that was reviewed with a good rating. i do not trust the safety of the fake charger. if the fake uses inferior components, it could cause a fire.
so i contacted the ebay seller, explained that there was no mention in the auction that the charger being advertised was actually a clone, they promptly refunded my money and I threw the charger in the garbage.
to me, it doesn’t matter if there is no actual ‘company’ behind the name brands. what does matter to me is that when a particular product gets reviewed and reviewed highly, if i choose to buy that item based on a seller claiming that the product is genuine, and if it arrives to be a fake, i feel that i have every right to be compensated for the poor bait & switch tactic.
If a company goes as far as branding their name on a product, that means something. They are willing to stand by what they sell/make. It gives consumers added assurance of the quality of the product. Also by doing so, there is now a track record building up (reputation, reviews).
We are sorry to hear these, we have to announce that all UltraFire flashlight we offer will be no logo ones from now on but with the same standard machining as before. Yes, this announcement is just for UltraFire brand products.
Sherry Ye will contact to help you out, we refuse to do anything which are consider to be bait & switch.
It’s funny, because I actually tend to prefer unbranded flashlights. No company names, no logos, no ridiculous “CREE XM-L T6”, nothing. Seems I ordered my HD2010 from Tmart a few weeks too soon.
Sorry for the inconvenience we caused. For this issue, Louis have posted announce on this forum. There will no logo for UltraFire brand products from now on.
I have asked our related staff to make a return label for you,then you can send the item back for refund.Once we complete it,we will inform you via e-mail.
Thanks for your support and patience in advance.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.