Is Anduril ever going to be "mass market"?

I think Anduril 2 could be easily mass-market, if the lights were sold with “Muggle-Mode” or “Simpe UI” activated as default, or even reactivated after battery change by default, with user-setting to disable this behaviour.
In the manual would be written how to activate the full mode, so everybody who dares to venture into the realm of Anduril can do so, while the muggles jsut use the light as-is with its basic features, and there would always be the way back,if one gets lost, at least until the auto-re-muggle has not been disabled.
I like the idea of having the extra feautres available, even though I don’t need them all, ecxept for ramping, turbo, timer, voltage reader, lockout blinkie… ehm… yes….
So Anduril would need a configurable auto-re-muggle feature and Simple UI, enabled by default, and it would perfectly be mass market.

I refuse to sell Anduril, wayyy too many complaints

Yes, you’ve made that clear, I’m just discussing the arguments you’re advancing.

I used to calibrate the sensor and increase the limit on everything, but after a customer initiated a factory reset they’d be on the phone upset it no longer lasts very long.

Flashing firmware is difficult with my hand tremor and something I’d hate to mess around with as it would then require testing. I mainly stick to Convoy who refuses to use Anduril which has been excellent in most cases. The only issue with Convoy is the thermal regulation never drops below 35% causing dangerous temps on some models

Sorry to hear about you condition, it’s indeed problematic.
For testing I assumed, maybe wrongly, from previous comments (not necessarily in this threads) that this was already something you did before selling. Flashing itself is pretty benign, I’ve never had a driver stop working after flashing, but it does require unboxing and put it in the box again, certainly time consuming if the lights weren’t planned to be tested in the first place.

You’re right, I do switch it on for a minute and make sure it works without a flicker, but I presumed I’d need to thoroughly test everything worked after flashing, not just turn it on and off? Never flashed a flashlight before, only phones. I see posts here and there of UIs that aren’t what they should be and require reflashing from the store.

If I could flash my own Anduril settings without much effort I’d be all for it, but only using the new attiny1616. I’d probably exclude the Advanced UI, set a new limit depending on the model, and add modes to the Simple UI like Candle and Sunset for the Lanterns. The Sofirn Lanterns should of allowed for this without needing to switch to Advanced. I used to sell the original LT1, but now just stock the LT1S

A similar question might be:

“Will Manufacturer A’s racing technology ever be available in compact econoboxes?”

And the obvious answer is, no, because it’s not appropriate, or even supposed to be.

Will it ever affect or improve mass market products? In this case, I think the answer is that it’s very likely. Look at how difficult it is to live with Convoy’s slow, nearly linear ramping having used “proper” ramping in Andúril. We’ll bug other manufacturers until they get it right.

With proper defaults (thermal calibration, lower turbo/high in simple mode, etc.) from the manufacturer, I think Andúril 2 is already ready for the mass market. Click on, Click off, hold to ramp. Everything else is completely optional. 1H for moonlight and 2C for turbo are handy for me, but that isn’t an overly taxing cognitive load, either.

Hank lights that are just flat-out dangerous for EDC without some tweaking clearly aren’t aimed at mass market consumers. I own some, and I love them. But I don’t see any reason a Wurkkos TS10 after a few more iterations couldn’t be a consumer light. Obviously, a light that ruins 14450’s out of the box isn’t, but I think that one is already fixed.