Elemental chrome, ie: the metal is not toxic at all and no special precautions need be taken when sawing or filing other than those for regular dust.
Having said that, hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) compounds, on the other hand, are both toxic and carcinogenic.
A bit like mercury in many ways.
Elemental mercury or quicksilver, despite the almost hysterical paranoia surrounding it these days is actually, relatively harmless.
In 2016 a Libyan 3 year old toddler drank almost the entire contents of a two-thirds full, 100ml bottle of mercury.
Not only did the child survive, he did not appear to be harmed in any way.
Here’s an excerpt from the boy’s medical case notes:
“A Libyan boy aged 3 years who ingested approximately 55 cc (750 grams) of elemental mercury was admitted to the Pediatric Emergency Service for further diagnosis and treatment. We learned that his uncle, who worked in silver processing, kept 60 cc of liquid mercury at home. The patient’s family reported that he drank from the bottle and only 5 cc of mercury remained. He was immediately taken to a nearby emergency unit after receiving gastric lavage and the administration of penicillin; the boy was transferred to our clinic for further diagnosis and treatment.”
“The patient had no symptoms when he was admitted to our clinic after 2 days following oral mercury intake. The patient had no acute or chronic gastrointestinal or other systemic diseases.”
“In the physical examination, the patient was conscious, cooperative, and orientated. The respiratory and cardiovascular system examinations showed no signs of abnormality, and the abdomen was soft and non-distended. There was no tenderness, rebound or hepatosplenomegaly. Neurological and other system examinations were normal. There were particles of mercury on the patient’s diaper.”
Read the full report here at the: Balkan Medical Journal
Now the bad news. The really bad news.
Organic mercury, (compounds of mercury that include carbon), is extremely toxic.
A scientist who was working with a solution of dimethyl mercury (H₃C-Hg-CH₃, an organic compound of mercury), spilt two drops on the dorsum of her latex gloved hand. Six months later, she was dead.
The following video is both frightening and harrowing: