Is it time to update the header image on the homepage?

Yes it’s time

“if” it is time….
please make it static.

GIMP works pretty well for photo editing, and it’s free and runs on almost any platform.

That’s only part of the process though. In general I’d say the hardest part is the first step — getting good photos. Editing them is usually pretty easy if the photos are good to begin with.

As for the idea of having multiple banner pics, I’d probably just set up a pool of images, or perhaps three pools of images — one for left-facing, one upright, and one right-facing… each pic with just one flashlight. Then have it choose three at random on each page load. Or something like that. Then people could submit individual lights and they’d get worked into the rotation, showcasing projects from many different people.

I like the idea of a family shot with all the BLF edition lights that have been created and produced over the years. Shake your money maker.

Who ever goes to the Home page? Recent Posts is where all the action is…

Can replace the existing ones with the BLF’s top five most popular flashlights of 2021. :person_with_crown:

Yes good idea. Main page banner can be turned into board off fame. Witch will represent best flashlights of the year by class. Best thrower, headlamp, EDC …

I wonder if the randomized banner idea is feasible in Discourse. That idea never happened on the old site, and I don’t know if the new site can do it.