Is Rofis Out of Business?

Their website has been shut down. When I visit there, I see the message “account suspended, please contact your hosting provider”.
It has been this way for at least a week.

Haikelite’s website’s been down for several months now, and they recently released a new light… So I’m not sure about Rofis.

Many of these flashlight brands are actually fly-by-night operations and have little stamina.




And there you have it. A new flashlight brand is born.

:smiley: :laughing:

This Rofis store is still up:

I have a couple of the ER3A's, but it appears they have been discontinued.

Yup… people often think these brands have large offices with dozens of employees and their own factories, when in reality most are made up by only a few and is heavily dependent of the OEM/ODM operating structure.

Astrolux is probably the greatest example of this.

:smiley: :smiley: Sorry for the useless post, but this made me lol.

Interested. Please send me the coupon code.


Interested, depending on price.

Interested as long as there’s no actual cow…

or fire


Where do I find more info about these HolycowFire lights? :stuck_out_tongue:

Is that the one with the Charolais UI?

Maybe we can persuade (con) Sofirn into naming the next super lumen flooder the BLF HolyCowFire

* No cows were harmed while developing this flashlight.

Hi CRI is a must. And please put an optisolis.

Interesting…is the Cowfire the only methane powered flashlight out there?

CRI is well above 100. Seeing is believing. It will make you go like wow… holy cow…

Instead of Panda White, offer it in Hereford Brown.