Is there a knife forum similar to BLF

Hi guys, to make my question simple, is there a forum similar to BLF that specializes in designing, prototyping and making custom knives? Like a bunch of people design new knife, find producer and make a group buy? Cause it would cut the cost of premium knives significantly.

BKF anyone? Budget Knife Forum

Not that I know of, blade forums is pretty good, badger and blade for shaving. Snipershide ,rimfirecentral for guns.

There is also the Chinese Knife Forum.
Lobster on the forum is the Administrator.

Looks like the closest thing I’ve seen to the theoretical BudgetKnifeForum.

Reddit is also an option though it isn’t as anchored as forums like BLF are. The budget/chinese knife subreddits that I know of include: r/BudgetBlades, r/chineseknives, and r/Ganzo_Knives.

Steel Reviews on blogspot is a good place for news aswell.

Thank you for the helpful tips, I’ll have a look at them.