The question is in the Subject… Is there a way to do that?
EDIT: What I mean is similar to viewing the Subscriptions page with the “Only show threads with new posts I haven’t read yet” checkbox checked, but something similar for “Recent posts”…
I’m not completely sure what you’re asking, because all threads that have posts you haven’t read will already be marked “Updated” in red, but this is what I do.
Step 1: Click ‘Recent Posts’
Step 2: Skim Recent Posts for threads that you are interested in
Step 3: Open each interesting thread in a new tab, using the link in the “Replies” column
Step 4: Wait for tabs to finish loading
Step 5: Click ‘Mark All Read’
Step 6: Read interesting threads in their respective tabs
Step 7: Repeat
When you go to Recent Posts, it shows all threads with the ones with the most recent posts at the top, going down, right? And yes, it shows ones that are unread with the red “updated”, but it still shows all the threads.
What I want is the same as that, but I only want to see the list of threads that have unread.
The way it is now, when there’s a mix of threads that have unread and others that don’t, it’s harder to spot threads that I am interested in that have unread.
And yes, I know about listing Subscribed threads but even that has the checkbox to do what I’m asking for, but I’d just like the same thing for the “Recent Posts”.
In other words, I want to do like what it does now for Recent posts, but when I do that, I don’t want to see the ones that DON’T have unread, i.e., I want to filter the Recent posts to show only the threads with Recent Posts that I have not already read.
I suppose I would comment “subbed” in all the ones your interested in and the “my subscriptions” section would do what you’re asking. I know still a lot of work but at least you’re getting updated on the ops that you like.
I seem to be having difficulty explaining what I’m asking about/for, so I’ll try an example.
I click “Recent Posts” and get this:
Now, I read the latest posts in the “Group Buy: Double Power” thread and in the “Imalent” thread.
Then, I click “Recent Posts” again, and I get this:
Notice that those 2 threads that I just read (the ones that I’ve circled in red in the last pic above) are still there in the list. They’re no longer marked with the red “updated” anymore, but the threads are still listed.
When you have a full page of threads, with a mix of the read and unread threads, it is a little inconvenient to scan through the list to find the ones that are unread to see which ones are left of interest.
I read from the top down. When I reach the bottom of the “new” threads, I hit the ‘mark read’ button. Then when I check new posts again, it’s a fresh list.
I try to do something like that once in awhile, but it doesn’t really work for me because I tend to scan through the thread list and pick a few that I’m especially interested in and read the new posts in them, then click Recent Posts again.
Oh well, just checking if I was missing some way to do this…
a list of threads with unread posts i already pisted into (i active participated)
called “my threads“
a list of threads with new posts (including new topics)
called “unread“
visiting the forum i start looking what happened to topics i took part of and a answer might be necessary to keep the discussion running
after that (if i have time) i look whats new - and of course there are threads i am not interested in and skip them.
(my request to unshow them “do not bother me button“ isnt answered there yet )