The datasheet doesn’t have neutral white in T6, and the Cree part number on the bottom is also not on the datasheet
The reason for asking is to determine if it has a CRI of 75 or 65
Have you tried emailing Craig, the owner of IS? I think he buys these by the reel, all the binning info is usually printed on the reel, so he should know what CRI these are. He's usually pretty responsive to inquiries.
Its on the cool side of NW but its pretty much the most clear one. 3D could be even better, but 3C is much more common.
is a neutral white
I’d consider it a cool white. 4500K would be neutral.
I agree.
But lately 3C have been said to be neutral so my definition might not be shared by others.
It's not shared by Cree :P
. it;s a neutral
not my fav. too many of them are green
The general accepted range for 'Neutral White' is 4000K-5000K in color temperature.
If you want to be really picky, it's around 4300-4500K. But if there's no other light sources to compare, then you will generally see 4000-5000K as only very slight tint at most.
Keep in mind that this doesn't include CRI. If you want to compare CRI numbers and see how big a difference they make, compare a XM-L/XP-G NW with a Nichia 219 of the same tint.
Ok, let’s call it tacticool white
Puhlease don’t go there again. I have used the 3d xp-g2’s from IS and they are similar to the Nichia 219’s. Not as good CRI but higher output. I’d call them neutral but cutter has 3D tint listed as both cool and neutral on different xml’s
Basically Cree says their neutral white as a minimum CRI of 75, and according to Craig it is neutral white
It's around 4,000-4,500K, so I believe it's natural white
6,000K to 6,500K is cold white