Hey guys i need some help with some reflectors im looking for the a 73-75mm reflector and long as possible looking to be smooth so i can MAX THROW if i cant find the reflector im looking for ill just try and use a aspheric lens if i can find one with a short focal length so please post any reflector u might know of or tested ???
This is not very long but works nicely with the MTG-2.
yea i think i have one of them but not very deep like u said i dont think they make anything deeper than that though
IIRC Electrolumens posted here about a deeper reflector, I’ll try to google it
I think it was 128mm dia x 120mm deep
this is the thread
that might work i can cut down to size thanks Alex
Reflector depth has a very small influence on throw… Diameter is what counts.
yea i started a new project (sorry cant show till done;) ) its just the head is so long i need it to reach the Led/pill
http://www.kaidomain.com/product/details.S009749 found this that might work if i cant find anything else
Found my buddy is sending me his Thrunite Tn32 reflector :)
Dr. Jones, I refer you to the Solarforce Skyline I. Deepest reflector I’ve seen. And the MaxToch SN6X-2X, excellent thrower with the XM-L2 emitter.
Depth is crucial, the ratio between depth and diameter is everything.
skyline 1 would be great but i dont think i can get a reflector like that these days im getting the reflector above ^^^^ and might try one from KD
if they fail ill use a aspheric lens