iTP A3 Upgrade R5 stopped working suddenly

Hi, long time since I last posted here…

I have a rather old iTP A3 Upgrade R5 from c. 2011 that suddenly stopped working.
No light at all.

I checked the body with the head of another A3 I have and it works.
I checked the LED and the circuit visually without opening the flashlight’s head, also tried looking for shorts with a multimeter, but couldn’t see anything wrong,
I only used NiMH and lithium AAA, never li-ion or anything else more than 1.5V. Also, this flashlight didn’t see a lot of use during the years, was mostly a backup light for my wife.

Is there anything else I should try before trying to disassemble the head? It’s glued, I think, couldn’t screw it out easily anyway.


What was the upgrade?

That’s just the name of the light.
I think it refers to it having three modes.

Loose ground on the driver maybe. Or one of the led wires popped loose.

Any way to test that without disassembling the head?

Wow this is an old light and I bought them from CPF years ago :slight_smile:

I rarely use it and I’m planning to modify it when I get back from holiday